DAILY UPDATE #9 -- 3/26/2020

  • AASD Office Closure
    AASD will be sending out a Daily Update, Monday-Friday, throughout the school closure period.  The AASD Office will remain closed during the period of time the district is closed.  AASD staff will be working remotely and can be reached at the contact information at the end of this Update.

    AASD has created a Google Form for AASD Members to report issues, questions or concerns regarding work-related issues and the COVID-19 virus.  Any issues, questions or concerns submitted via the Google form will be shared daily with the District.  AASD will then share the answers to issues, questions or concerns submitted as those answers are received from the district.  

    The link to share issues/questions/concerns is:
    Please do not share this link outside of AASD membership (classified and certificated management/supervisors).  The link will be active until this crisis is over.  PLEASE CHECK THE DISTRICT’S WEBSITE TO ENSURE YOUR ISSUE/QUESTION/ CONCERN HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN ADDRESSED THERE.

    NOTE:  All previous AASD Daily Updates and Weekly Updates are located on the AASD Website www.aasdcs.org if you need to refer back to them for information.

  • Q and A (March 26, 2020)   (Questions were submitted by AASD members; the answers are from the District.  AASD publishes the answers as they are received from the District.)
    Q (Comment) -- Today (3/25) Classified Management received a personal apology from Superintendent Marten that an email went out to all classified staff yesterday and we (Classified Management) were not included on it. That we received this email today is a signal, I believe, that AASD's advocacy is helping increase awareness of the problem. I appreciated her email. But the error itself reflected that our communication system needs a good deal of improvement. Can AASD please continue to advocate that better systems of communication between district and Classified Management need to be established? Management should be receiving district communications either prior to - or at minimum in tandem with - those reporting to us.
    A – (Answer from AASD)  AASD continues to advocate for our members and for improved communication to ALL members of the management team, classified and certificated.  While our Principals are leading very important work and the district must communicate with them, ALL AASD represented personnel must be kept in the loop and be part of the communications so we can all support one another during this difficult time.  AASD continues to advocate for communication to ALL members of the management team in a timely manner.
    Q -- What role should vice principals take at this time. Should we be on the superintendent calls?
    A – (Answer from AASD)  AASD Executive Director, Donis Coronel, has been on the Zoom calls that are scheduled for principals.  Many times there are over 240 people on the call.  To add Vice Principals to the calls would increase the numbers on the call and add to an already busy call with hundreds of chats and questions occurring.  It would likely become unmanageable to answer all the chats and may lengthen the time of the call.  It is the role and job of the Principal to share all information with the vice principal(s) at their site.  If your Principal is not sharing information with you, AASD’s advice is to have that conversation with the Principal and explore how you can work as a team through this difficult time.
    Many AASD members have voiced concerns about communication.  AASD is publishing communications that we believe would be helpful and interesting to ALL members; classified and certificated.  We have heard from our members who are NOT principals that they do not feel they are receiving adequate communications from the district or their chain of command.  Those concerns have been and will continue to be shared with the district executive leadership.  At this time, AASD will continue to publish communications we feel are important for ALL to know.  In addition, there are concerns from those who are actually receiving communications (mostly Principals) that the timing of the communications needs to be improved (i.e., public receiving information before the Principal does, etc.)

  • AASD Executive Board and AASD Staff
    Your AASD Executive Board and AASD Staff held their first Zoom meeting this morning and will be continuing to meet via Zoom as we regularly do, every two weeks.  The AASD Board of Directors will also meet after Spring Break via Zoom (date/time TBD).  Our work on the behalf of our members continues during this difficult time. 

  • District Website:  For your convenience, the District has created a list of Frequently Asked Questions.  To access that list, click the link 

  • AASD Contact Information During the District Closure:
    Executive Director, Donis Coronel -- donis@aasdcs.org   619-813-8792
    Office Manager, Linda Crout-Hamel -- 
    linda@aasdcs.org   619-861-2701
    Office Clerk, Jim Costello --
    Please keep informed via the District’s website www.sandi.net, Daily Updates from AASD and via the AASD Website www.aasdcs.org.
    Be well,
    Donis Coronel
    Representing the AASD Board of Directors
    Donis Coronel, Executive Director
    Administrators Association of San Diego City Schools (AASD)
    3505 Camino del Rio South, Suite 264
    San Diego, CA  92108-4037

    Phone (619) 295-2118
    Cell (619) 813-8792
    Fax (619) 295-6274




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