DAILY UPDATE #76 -- 7/08/2020


    AASD will be sending out a Daily Update, Monday-Friday, throughout the school closure period.  The Weekly Update will continue as usual on Thursdays with the typical news and information for AASD members.  The AASD Office will remain closed during the period of time the schools/district are closed.  AASD staff will be working remotely and can be reached at the contact information at the end of this Update.

    AASD has created a Google Form for AASD Members to report issues, questions or concerns regarding work-related issues, COVID-19 virus and school reopening.  Any issues, questions or concerns submitted via the Google form will be shared daily with the District.  AASD will then share the answers to issues, questions or concerns submitted as those answers are received from the district.  You may also share your gratitude for another AASD member, district personnel, etc. via the same link.

    The link to share issues/questions/concerns/gratitude is:

    Please do not share this link outside of AASD membership (classified and certificated management/supervisors).  The link will be active until this crisis is over.  PLEASE CHECK THE DISTRICT’S WEBSITE TO ENSURE YOUR ISSUE/QUESTION/ CONCERN HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN ADDRESSED THERE.

    NOTE:  All previous AASD Daily Updates and Weekly Updates are located on the AASD Website www.aasdcs.org if you need to refer back to them for information.

    AASD has been notified by the District leadership that in order to prepare for the reopening of schools, the District will be surveying all employees, including AASD-represented members, on three preference topics: onsite or remote working (if available within the job classification), requests for accommodations, and retirement incentive interest.  (Note from AASD At this time, there is no specific information on what that incentive might look like.)
    The purpose of the survey is to obtain all staff members' preferences and their interest only. When  employees complete the form, they are not making a commitment, only informing the District of their preference/interest based on their current situation and the information we all currently have.  The District needs this data in order to plan for assignments, staffing and to provide reasonable employee accommodations. The information in the survey will remain confidential. The survey includes a section for all employees to ask questions.  
    AASD has been told that the District will send the survey out today via e-mail and there will also be a phone call notifying all employees of the survey.  The survey is due on July 15, 2020.
    If AASD-represented members receive questions from other employees that report to them, please refer the employee back to the survey to list their question there and it will be answered by the District.
    If AASD-represented members have questions prior to completing the form, please contact Donis Coronel by e-mail at
    donis@aasdcs.org or by cell phone/text to 619-813-8792.  Donis is in bargaining all day July 9 and 10, so return e-mails, calls or texts may occur in the evening or on the weekend.

    Some district employees from departments such as custodial, maintenance, food services, etc., have returned to the work site (or are continuing to work).  As a result, questions are coming from principals, managers and supervisors about health and safety guidelines for those employees who are either refusing to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as a face covering, or who are stating they cannot wear the PPE due to a medical exemption.  AASD is asking the District leadership to provide a clear and concise process/procedure to manage these types of situations.  More information to come.

    If an AASD member has a department or individual that deserves special recognition during this time of crisis, please use the link above for reporting issues/questions/ concerns/gratitude to show your gratitude for the department or individual.  AASD will publish that special thanks in our next Daily Update.

    For your convenience, the District has created a list of Frequently Asked Questions.  To access that list, click the link https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/covid19/staff-info
    Executive Director, Donis Coronel -- donis@aasdcs.org   619-813-8792
    Office Manager, Linda Crout-Hamel -- 
    linda@aasdcs.org   619-861-2701
    Office Clerk, Jim Costello --
    Please keep informed via the District’s website www.sandi.net, Daily Updates from AASD and via the AASD Website www.aasdcs.org.


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