DAILY UPDATE #200 -- 2/01/2021

  • DAILY UPDATE #200...
    As of today, AASD has produced 200 Daily Updates to keep our members abreast of what is going in during the pandemic.  (Note:  We’ve actually been working remote for more than 200 work days, but there were a handful of times staff was unavailable to produce the communication.)   Who would have ever thought?  AASD will continue to produce the Daily Update until it is no longer needed/useful for members.  This is just one way AASD supports our Members in Good Standing/Affiliate Members/Retired Members!

    The AASD Bargaining Teams will be returning to the bargaining table on Thursday, February 4, to begin bargaining the impacts and effects of any changes to Phase One (see SDUSD/SDEA bargaining update below).  The AASD Bargaining Teams are:
    AASD Classified Bargaining Team:
    Donis Coronel, Chief Negotiator
    Patti Burch, Official Notetaker
    Jesus Montana, Classified Bargaining Chair (School Police)
    Bill Cheney (Food Services)
    Bryan Ehm (PPO)
    Brian Kenworthy (Leadership and Learning)
    Ivan Martinez (Custodial)
    Lumumba Mushonga (Mental Health Resource Center)
    AASD Certificated Bargaining Team:
    Donis Coronel, Chief Negotiator
    Patti Burch, Official Notetaker
    Scott Thomason, Classified Bargaining Chair (Principal, CPMA)
    Kristin Makena (Program Manager, SPED)
    Jonathan McDade (Principal, Correia Middle)
    Ernie Remillard (Principal, Mission Bay HS)
    Lauren Robinson (Principal, Hawthorne Elementary)
    Angelia (Niecy) Watkins (Principal, Jerabek Elementary)

    The following communication was sent to principals on January 29:
    • This week, the District held two bargaining sessions with SDEA with the intention of increasing the number of students participating in Phase One. These sessions were productive and the bargaining team is hopeful as the proposal passed to SDEA on Thursday includes a number of solutions designed to remove barriers identified by both educators and site leaders. The District’s proposal includes:
      • Expanding the student criteria for onsite services to include:
        • Students who need social and/or emotional services including, but not limited to, students who require support to meet IEP behavior goals; are identified as youth in foster care, experiencing homelessness, or are military connected; are chronically absent; or have been referred for mental health services by staff.
        • Students who are experiencing connectivity issues which prevent them from successfully engaging in online learning.
        • TK-5 students who are English Learners and are not progressing in their language proficiency goals.
      • The opportunity for students to attend onsite four days per week in a learning lab model. 
      • A monthly stipend for staff to provide onsite supervision.
      • Additional childcare options for staff reporting onsite. 
      • District funding for continuation of the tutoring stipend agreed to in the November 12, 2020 agreement.
    • Although we have not yet received a counter proposal from SDEA, we know educators will be provided an update from SDEA today; this bargaining update is provided to site leaders for the express purpose of ensuring principals have the same information provided to their educators.  You should not take any action, nor should this information be distributed as it is actively being bargained LINK TO DISTRICT PROPOSAL
    • We understand there may be circumstances when a student may need a mask accomodation to participate in Phase 1/Expanded Phase 1 Appointment Based Learning/Services. 
      • We developed a process to ensure that the unique needs of students are considered as accommodations are identified and determined. 
      • Please read HERE for detailed information on the process.
    • Grab n’ Go meals are available for free to all children Monday-Friday from noon-2 p.m. at 77 locations! Remind your school families to take advantage of this resource. Flyer to share.
    • Extra grocery items available (while supplies last) at select schools on a rotating basis. Check the schedule for grocery distributions for next week - Grocery Item Schedule for Week of 2/1-2/5
  • The following communication was sent to all principals on January 30:
    Dear Principal  –

    Please see the letter below regarding the 2021-22 Title I Preliminary Allocations which will be presented to the Board of Education during next Tuesday’s board meeting.  Please note, only preliminary allocations will be presented to the Board next week and they are expected to change substantially to more accurately reflect allocations that were provided to sites this school year. The board will take action on a revised report on February 9th
    Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you for your continued support,

    Thomas P. Liberto, Director
    Strategic Planning for Student Achievement
    San Diego Unified School District
    (619) 725-5605, office
    Ranking Report Update to Principals)
    Closed San Diego schools aren’t sure when they will reopen (SD Union Tribune, January 29)
    CTA wants schools in 'purple' counties to stay closed for 100 days and staff to get vaccinated (EdSource January 31)

    Biden administration urged to allow states to cancel spring standardized testing (Washington Post, January 30)

    Students' mental health deteriorating during pandemic (SD Union Tribune, February 1)


    The hotline established with the District is available to AASD unit members and other management who are charged with enforcing the health and safety policies and procedures.  Call the hotline when you need immediate assistance when conflicts arise, clarification is needed, or decisions must be made regarding health and safety matters. 

    This hotline is for ALL AASD represented members, both classified and certificated.  The hotline phone number is
    (619) 981-0760.  The hotline is available on all District workdays, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  In the rare event that a message must be left, all calls will be returned promptly, within the same day.
    If an AASD member has a department or individual that deserves special recognition during this time of crisis, please use the link below for reporting issues/questions/concerns/gratitude to show your gratitude for the department or individual.  AASD will publish that special thanks in our next Daily Update.

    AASD will be sending out a Daily Update, Monday-Friday, throughout the return to instruction/school reopening period.  The Weekly Update will continue as usual on Thursdays with the typical news and information for AASD members.  The AASD Office continues to remain closed.  AASD staff are working remotely and can be reached via the contact information at the end of this Update.

    AASD has created a Google Form for AASD Members to report issues, questions or concerns regarding work-related issues, COVID-19, return to instruction and school reopening.  AASD will provide answers to issues, questions or concerns submitted as answers become available.  You may also share your gratitude for another AASD member, district personnel, etc., via the same link.

    The link to share issues/questions/concerns/gratitude is:

    Please do not share this link outside of AASD membership (classified and certificated management/supervisors).  The link will be active until this crisis is over. 

    NOTE:  All previous AASD Daily Updates and Weekly Updates are located on the AASD Website www.aasdcs.org if you need to refer back to them for information.

    For your convenience, the District has created a list of Frequently Asked Questions.  To access that list, click the link https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/covid19/staff-info
    Executive Director, Donis Coronel -- donis@aasdcs.org   619-813-8792
    Office Manager, Linda Crout-Hamel -- 
    linda@aasdcs.org   619-861-2701
    Office Clerk, Jim Costello --
    Please keep informed via the District’s website www.sandi.net, Daily Updates from AASD and via the AASD Website www.aasdcs.org.


Copyright © 2021 Administrators Association of San Diego City Schools, All rights reserved.