DAILY UPDATE #243 -- 4/14/2021

  • Q and A  (Wednesday, April 14, 2021) 
    Q:  There are over 90 sites that have been selected to host either onsite or online summer school or ESY. Administrators have been asked to complete a survey of interest by April 23. Considering that the dates of summer school fall during principals' contract days, it appears that there will not be additional pay. Here are my wonderings: 1) With so many sites available for summer school, what happens if the positions cannot be staffed? 2) Will there be "consequences" for the site administrators who have a program at their school and decline the offer to run summer school? 3) I worry that we will have a "leadership voice" telling us to take the position and there may be unforeseen consequences.
    A:  (Answer provided by AASD)   Summer school/ESY falls within the principal work year.  If a principal elects to be the summer school/ESY administrator, there is no extra pay provided.  HR is managing the staffing of the summer school administrators.  Staffing will be offered as outlined on the district interest form and will be offered to interested vice principals who are off calendar and would like to work (and be paid).  If there is a shortage of interested vice principals, HR will then look at other alternatives.  AASD does not anticipate any consequences for principals who decline the summer school/ESY assignment.  Principals will have their plates full this summer planning for opening of school.  Please contact AASD Executive Director, Donis Coronel, with any concerns.
    Q:  Parents are now changing their mind and wanting to go from on-line to in-person.  I have no room in the classrooms.  What to do?
    A:  (Answer provided by the district at Office Hours today)  Do all you can to accommodate.  Put in a request for a visiting teacher via SAMS to run a learning lab for overflow students.  Contact your Area Superintendent to discuss options, if needed.

    Teachers returning safely to classrooms (News 10, April 14)
    Marching towards normalcy:  SDUSD allows bands to perform at football games (Fox5, April 13)

    City Heights Parents React to School Reopening (KPBS, April 13)

    LA Unified reopens for in-person learning (Ed Source, April 13)


    The hotline AASD negotiated with the District is available to all AASD unit members (classified and certificated) who are charged with enforcing the health and safety policies and procedures at the school site.  Call the hotline when you need immediate assistance when conflicts arise, clarification is needed, or decisions must be made regarding health and safety matters.  Once we have staff and students back on campus, issues may arise where site AASD members don’t have direction or an answer.  Call the hotline for help!  Put the hotline number in your cell phone so you have it when needed.

    This hotline is for ALL AASD represented members, both classified and certificated.  The hotline phone number is
    (619) 981-0760.  The hotline is available on all District workdays, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  In the rare event that a message must be left, all calls will be returned promptly, within the same day.  The hotline is answered by our AASD member, Brian Kenworthy, Operations Specialist who has access to materials and district leadership as necessary.
    If an AASD member has a department or individual that deserves special recognition during this time of crisis, please use the link below for reporting issues/questions/concerns/gratitude to show your gratitude for the department or individual.  AASD will publish that special thanks in our next Daily Update.

    AASD will be sending out a Daily Update, Monday-Friday, throughout the return to instruction/school reopening period.  The Weekly Update will continue as usual on Thursdays with the typical news and information for AASD members.  The AASD Office continues to remain closed.  AASD staff are working remotely and can be reached via the contact information at the end of this Update.

    AASD has created a Google Form for AASD Members to report issues, questions or concerns regarding work-related issues, COVID-19, return to instruction and school reopening.  AASD will provide answers to issues, questions or concerns submitted as answers become available.  You may also share your gratitude for another AASD member, district personnel, etc., via the same link.

    The link to share issues/questions/concerns/gratitude is:

    Please do not share this link outside of AASD membership (classified and certificated management/supervisors).  The link will be active until this crisis is over. 

    NOTE:  All previous AASD Daily Updates and Weekly Updates are located on the AASD Website www.aasdcs.org if you need to refer back to them for information.

    For your convenience, the District has created a list of Frequently Asked Questions.  To access that list, click the link https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/covid19/staff-info
    Executive Director, Donis Coronel -- donis@aasdcs.org   619-813-8792
    Office Manager, Linda Crout-Hamel -- 
    linda@aasdcs.org   619-861-2701
    Office Clerk, Jim Costello --
    Please keep informed via the District’s website www.sandi.net, Daily Updates from AASD and via the AASD Website www.aasdcs.org.


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