AASD Weekly Update 05-06-2021
- AASD ELECTIONS FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Members in Good Standing are eligible to vote for representatives for the Board of Directors. . Deadline for voting is tomorrow at 5pm.
Please read carefully prior to voting:
- For elections for the Board of Directors, members only vote in their specific category (i.e., an Elementary Principal votes ONLY in the Elementary Principal category; a Food and Nutrition Services Supervisor or Area Supervisor votes ONLY in the Food Services Supervisor or Area Supervisor category, etc.)
- Note that there are some categories where there will not be voting this year as certain positions are voted on in the even numbered year and others in the odd numbered years (example, you will not see a category for middle level principals this time as there is still a year left on the term).
- If your job category is listed, please read the candidate statements below and click on the link to vote. You may vote for a candidate listed or write in a candidate. Again, you may only vote in your specific job category.
- You are electing a representative for a 2-year term (2021-2023).
- Voting ends on May 7 at 5:00 p.m.
Candidate Statements:
Central Office Certificated Managers:
Dean Darley, Program Manager, CCTE. For the last four years I have had the privilege of representing Central Office Certificated Managers on the AASD Board of Directors. I am very passionate about the good that AASD does for its members and how we conduct business with the district and other stakeholders. I am proud of the work that AASD accomplishes that builds community and holds high accountability within our organization. If re-elected, I would consider it an honor to continue to serve in this capacity representing all the hard working certificated members in the Central Office. Thank you for your consideration!
Classified Manager Representative:
Jennifer Marrone, Business Manager, Food and Nutrition Services. I have been honored to serve on the AASD board to represent Classified Managers. I would be honored to continue serving and representing my fellow colleagues. I have been the Business Manager for the Food & Nutrition Services department since October 2015. I enjoy working with the various departments and school site staff throughout the district on a day to day basis to ensure that kiddos are being fed and that information is flowing between the players that make it happen across the district. I am also active with the California Association for School Business Officials (CASBO) and have recently been elected by acclimation to serve on the CASBO State Board of Directors representing the San Diego/Imperial region. I have a passion for watching and interpreting legislation at the State and Federal levels on all items Education with an emphasis in Child Nutrition of course! I look forward to continue to bring that knowledge to our Union’s Board of Directors to ensure we are informed of how new or amended legislation may affect our members and students. Thank you, for your consideration.
Classified Supervisor Representative:
Jonel “Shortie” Smith, Landscape Services Supervisor. I am Jonel “Shortie” Smith and am running for re-election to the Board of Directors at AASD because I enjoy sitting on committees that enhance the lives of our members and their families. It is a privilege to serve our members and ensure that their best interests are being met. I have been with the district since 1990 and have seen a lot of changes. Some good and some not so good. I want to be a part of what is right for our members. I would appreciate you putting your trust in me. Thank you.
Elementary Principal Representative:
Shannon Bussey, Principal, Freese Elementary. I am the principal at Freese Elementary Arts and Culture Magnet and I would like to represent the Elementary Principals on the AASD Board of Directors. I have been an elementary school administrator for 8 years and have been an educator in San Diego Unified for 24 years. I pride myself in my desire to continuously give back to others. As a member of AASD I have immense gratitude for the work that has been done on our behalf through the commitment of our members who have served in various positions and would like to be given the opportunity to do my part. If given the chance, I will be a strong voice for our members by advocating for positive relationships, respect and fairness, as well as ensure that we are able to serve our students and community to the highest level possible. I would appreciate the opportunity and be honored to serve our AASD members.
Food and Nutrition Services Supervisor/Area Supervisor Representative
Cristine Holmer, Food Services Area Supervisor. Hello, my name is Cristine Holmer, and I am running for re-election of the position Food and Nutrition Services Representative on the AASD Board of Directors. I enjoy participating on the Board of Directors, advocating for the needs that are specific to our department. If elected, I will continue to share union highlights as appropriate and encourage participation in union activities. Thank you for your support!
School Police Supervisor Representative
Deanna Laramore, School Police Communications Supervisor. I have proudly been a member of the San Diego Unified School District Police Department for fourteen years. For the past nine years, I've served as the Communications Supervisor responsible for supervising all dispatchers and the day-to-day operations of the communications center. I have had the privilege to serve as school police supervisors representative on the AASD Board of Directors for the past four years. If I am re-elected, I will continue to work hard to maintain a safe learning environment for our students and staff and will be a tireless advocate for improving our police department.
Senior High School Principal Representative:
Dr. Cynthia Larkin, Principal, Morse High. I have been employed in the SDUSD district since August 2000. I have 13.5 years of teaching experience at Morse High School; 3.5 years of vice principal experience at Clairemont High School; and 4 years of principal experience at Morse High School. I am honored by the nomination to represent my high school colleagues as the AASD High School Principal Representative for the Board of Directors. I am passionate about the work high school administrators do each day to support our students, staff, and communities. If selected, I am confident I will represent our group well by speaking up on our behalf and communicating/relaying pertinent information that high school principals need to know.
- GRATITUDE VIDEO – AASD MEMBERS HAD A LOT TO BE GRATEFUL FOR THIS PAST YEAR! Take a moment to watch this inspiring video that was played at the AASD General Membership Meeting. The Member Relations Committee reached out to the AASD Board of Directors and some other colleagues for a picture of something they were grateful for this past year. Take a look!
- JOB POSTINGS FOR CERTIFICATED POSITIONS AND CLASSIFIED POSITIONS IN THE AASD UNIT. AASD has been asked to publish the job postings in our Weekly Update. AASD also suggests that all applicants (classified and certificated) mark their calendars to check weekly for new job postings each Monday. This way, you will not miss out on a posting you might be interested in (as all jobs in the AASD unit must be posted for 10 days). Additionally, jobs in other units will be posted.
AASD-Represented CERTIFICATED Job Postings
Principal, Foster Elementary, Closes 5/10
Principal, University City High School. Closes 5/10
Principal, Language Academy K-8, Closes 5/10
Principal, Golden Hill K-8, Closes 5/10
Principal, Lincoln High, Closes 5/10
Vice Principal, (TBD), Closes 5/10
AASD-Represented CLASSIFIED Job Postings
None at this time.
- NEGOTIATED HOTLINE FOR AASD MEMBERS IS UP AND RUNNING! In the Return to Instruction MOU, AASD negotiated the following language:
The District will establish a “hotline” available to AASD unit members and other management who are charged with enforcing the health and safety policies and procedures where they can call or e-mail and get immediate assistance when conflicts arise, clarification is needed, or decisions must be made regarding health and safety matters. This hotline will be available on all District workdays, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will be staffed with a person in authority who has the capability to make decisions or who has direct access to those who can make decisions. In the rare event that a message must be left, all calls will be returned promptly, within the same day.
The Hotline is up and running. AASD is pleased to announce that our AASD member, Brian Kenworthy, who is a classified manager (Operations Specialist) is the voice on the other end of the hotline. Many of you know Brian as he has worked for the district for 18 years in departments such as Human Resources, Summer School/ESY, Leadership and Learning, Labor Relations, Office of the Superintendent and the Charter School Office. Brian will be a great resource for our members and is a well-respected manager. Thank you, Brian!
This hotline is for ALL AASD represented members, both classified and certificated. The Hotline phone number is (619) 981-0760.
- AMERICAN FEDERATION OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS (AFSA) OFFERS ALL AASD MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING AND AFFILIATE MEMBERS WITH AFSA A “TRAUMA COVERAGE PROGRAM.” AFSA is proud to introduce a new member-only benefit program underwritten by Lloyd’s of London. It is a trauma coverage program with trauma counseling, assault and infectious disease benefits that fills the gaps left by traditional insurance and employee assistance programs with respect to traumatic events. Considering recent events, AFSA members know, perhaps more than anyone, the world we live in today. Trauma coverage provides you and your family with financial and counseling resources needed to empower recovery after a traumatic event. There are three coverage options available, as well as a fourth family option.
Member Coverage
Trauma coverage provides income reimbursement, expense reimbursement, accidental death benefit and counseling, 24/7, on and off the job, for incidents, including:
- Mass shootings
- Aggravated assaults
- Sexual assaults
- Acts of terror
- Coverage is extended to work or school for such incidents as being traumatized by violence, or accidently contracting an infectious disease listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which currently includes COVID-19, on the job or at school.
After a covered incident, trauma coverage provides 100% of your daily wages from all sources up to your chosen benefit limit, 100% of a family member's regular pay that is providing at-home support, and reimbursement for any out-of-pocket medical expenses. There is no waiting period for benefits to begin on any of the four available programs, and there is an accidental death benefit up to a maximum of $200,000.*
Family Coverage
AFSA members can extend coverage to their family as well. Under the family program, a covered full-time student up to age 26 who experiences a covered trauma would receive a benefit of $100 a day while out of school. In addition, a family member staying at home to provide support also would be able to receive 100% of their daily pay while out of work, up to a maximum of $20,000. Full-time students up to age 26 also are eligible for benefits if they contract an infectious disease listed by the CDC while actively enrolled.
What Action Should I Take?
AFSA members who want to obtain more information and enroll in this unique trauma coverage program with trauma counseling, assault and infectious disease benefits should visit www.traumacoverage.com/AFSA.
* The accidental death benefit for the family plan is up to $200,000 ($150,000 for employed insureds and $25,000 for non-employed insureds).
The plan administrator contributes to the Diann Woodard AFSA Scholarship Fund, sponsors events for AFSA at which the administrator’s products are presented, and reimburses AFSA for costs incurred in publication of these plans and benefits.
AFSA’s announcement and publication of the plans and benefits outlined in this email should not be construed as a recommendation or advice that these plans and benefits are appropriate for any individual member or family.
Save an extra $500 off the already-discounted Union Plus price for the award-winning* Oticon Opn S™ 3 hearing aids.
Say goodbye to fuzzy sound and hello to crystal clear hearing — even when you're somewhere noisy!
Check out these FREE Union Plus Hearing benefits:
- Free hearing exam
- 1-year of follow up care
- Three-year manufacturer's warranty
- Three-year supply of batteries
- Free caption phone.**
AASD acknowledges deaths of our members, retirees, or their immediate family members via the Weekly Update. If you have information on a death to be reported in the AASD Weekly Update, please contact any of the staff at the AASD office with the information. We appreciate your help with this – we don’t always know right away when a death has occurred or the information on services.
Tired of cooking? As many of you know, all of the AASD events at Marina Village and Scottish Rite Center are catered by Ranch Events. They make and serve delicious meals! Ranch Events opened their kitchen at the Scottish Rite Event Center (in Mission Valley) for “take out” meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner. A dinner that serves 4 adults and 2 children is just $30 and individual meals or meals for 3 can also be purchased. A great deal for home cooked food. The website link is above, meals can be ordered in advance or the order can be placed on the same day (see website for more information). This is a great way to take a night day off from cooking and still be able to feed yourself and/or your family at a reasonable price. They also have vegetarian meals, soups and desserts as well as group platter meals. AASD has partnered with Ranch Events for many years and we are pleased they are able to provide this service which allows them to continue to employ staff. Feel free to share this information with anyone you wish to. Many of our AASD members have tried the meals and the feedback has been positive.
The AFSA Diann Woodard Scholarship is available exclusively to the children of AFSA members in good standing. The AFSA General Executive Board selects the awardees based on academic excellence, passion for volunteerism and display of exceptional work ethic.
All AASD Members in Good Standing and Affiliate Members with AFSA are eligible for their graduating senior to apply for the American Federation of School Administrators Diann Woodard scholarship. Five $2500 scholarships will be awarded. The deadline to apply is May 28, 2021. (Last year an AASD member’s child was awarded one of the scholarships!). All applicants must be a graduating high school senior who will be attending college for the first time in 2021.
Students who apply must clearly express their goals for the future and appropriately tie these goals to their higher education aspirations. https://afsascholarshipapplication.org/
- SEE'S CANDIES See's is now offering gift cards instead of the paper gift certificates. The paper gift certificates are no longer available for purchase, but if you have any of the paper gift certificates, they are still valid and will be honored at stores.
The new gift cards are available for purchase from AASD by members in good standing, affiliate members and retired members. The gift cards are valued at $25, but the discounted cost for our members is just $21.25. This is a savings of $3.75 per gift card!
As you know, the AASD office is closed and staff is working remotely, but we can still offer this benefit to you. If you are interested in purchasing gift cards, simply email Linda Crout-Hamel (linda@aasdcs.org). Please email your request and provide your phone number so she can call you to discuss your order and payment options (credit or debit card, check). The gift cards will then be mailed to the address you provide.
In addition to these gift cards, Administrators Association of San Diego (AASD) members qualify for quantity discounts on See's candy at the Quantity Discount store on Rosecrans. To redeem your discount, show a valid photo ID, your AASD member card, and provide our account number 6472612 or the office phone number 619-295-2118. Note: the acronym "AASD" will not work for the business name. This discount is only valid at 3751 Rosecrans Street, San Diego, CA 92110.
- AASD OFFICE CLOSURE. The AASD office remains closed, and staff are working remotely, until further notice.. The Daily Update will be produced on Tuesdays and Thursdays will continue to answer any questions and address any of your concerns with regard to school closures, return to instruction and COVID-19 updates. The Weekly Update will continue as usual on Thursdays with a variety of news and information for AASD members.
- IMPORTANT - PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS. AASD communicates with members via personal e-mail address. We do not communicate via "sandi.net." If you know of a colleague that is not receiving the Update, or if your personal email address changes, please remember to notify AASD by e-mailing our Office Clerk, Jim Costello, at Jim@aasdcs.org.
- UNION PLUS - MONEY-SAVING PROGRAMS FOR AFSA MEMBERS! AFSA membership is provided to all AASD Members in Good Standing at no additional cost. For more information regarding AFSA and Union Plus benefits, please visit their website: https://www.theschoolleader.org/
IMPORTANT: For Members in Good Standing and Affiliate Members who have added AFSA -- If you have not turned in the “Combined AFSA Benefits Information Form,” please submit the form immediately. This form must be submitted in order to be eligible for the professional liability, legal services, etc. You do not need to list your full social security number on the form; however, AFSA has requested that you provide at least the last four digits. For a copy of the form, click here
For all our Members in Good Standing, and Affiliates and Retirees who have selected to be members of AFSA, there are many money-saving programs offered to you. Click here to review your many options!
- IMPORTANT – ELECTRONIC LINK AVAILABLE! FILL OUT YOUR AASD MEMBERSHIP RECOMMITMENT FORM NOW! This information pertains to current AASD members who were AASD members prior to June 28, 2018. It does NOT apply to Affiliate members or Retired members. Many have asked how to “re-join” AASD in light of the Supreme Court Decision, Janus v. AFSCME. If you were an AASD member on June 27, 2018, per the Decision, you automatically stayed as an AASD "Member in Good Standing" and will remain so. However, we are asking all AASD members to re-commit to AASD by completing the google form (link below). This re-confirms your AASD membership and ensures that you have access to the benefits of being an AASD member – legal representation, AASD representation, discounted services, scholarships for your children, professional development reimbursements, etc.
Some of you have already filled out the new membership form over the past year – if so, it is not necessary to complete it again. If you have any questions regarding the re-commitment form, please contact the AASD office at 619-295-2118 or e-mail one of the AASD staff members for assistance. Thank you in advance for your commitment to our Union – AASD.
To review the benefits of being an AASD member, please Click here.
- AASD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS POSTED ON THE AASD WEBSITE. The collective bargaining agreements (contracts) for the AASD classified unit and the AASD certificated unit are posted on the AASD website. The District no longer provides a hard copy to AASD members. You are welcome to view the contracts on our website and feel free to print a copy, if you wish. To view the contracts, visit the AASD website at www.aasdcs.org and click on Governance/Contracts or Collective Bargaining/Contracts.
- AASD WEBSITE. Click here www.aasdcs.org to view our website. The website is kept up-to-date and current for all of our members (members in good standing, retirees and affiliate members). Visit the website to view the AASD calendar and for forms and information on our Union, as well as discounts for members.
If you have any feedback on the website, please e-mail jim@aasdcs.org with your comments. We hope our website is a great resource for you!
- ESTATE PLANNING – DISCOUNT FOR AASD MEMBERS! AASD has a partnership with Greg Runge, Estate Planning Attorney. Greg is an estate planning attorney with approximately 10 years of experience practicing in the areas of wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney and advance health care directives. In addition to his legal work, Greg is also currently a Lieutenant with a local police department, where he is in his 19th year of service as a sworn officer. As a public employee, Greg is very aware of the unique estate planning issues that can come into play with our members. Greg has focused his legal practice on providing essential estate planning services to public employees and their families at an affordable rate. This benefit is available to all AASD Members in Good Standing, AASD Affiliate Members and AASD Retired Members. Greg is offering this service to our members for a flat fee of $750, which is 50% off the going rate for estate planning (very complex or very large estates may require a higher fee that would be individually negotiated with the member). To contact Greg Runge, please e-mail gregrunge@gmail.com or call (858) 395-4011 and be sure to mention you are an AASD member so you receive the discounted rate.
There are many benefits of being an ACSA Member – as detailed in this handout. (click on link) Dues are deducted 10 times a year (September-June).
If AASD members are interested in membership with ACSA, please click on link for information on applying via the website.
- AASD PROFESSIONAL GROWTH GRANT. The Administrators Association San Diego City Schools (AASD), in conjunction with the San Diego Unified School District, provides financial grants to members to assist them in their professional growth. Unit members who participate in professional development activities related to job-connected skills or potential careers with the District may qualify to have the cost of registration fees defrayed by available funds up to $100. This includes ACSA-sponsored Academies, Conferences and Institutes. Click here for more details.
- "BENEFIT HUB" Benefit Hub is an online discount program. All AASD members have access to thousands of discounts which allows you to save on everything from movies and theme parks to restaurants and sporting events.
This free service provides discounts to car rental companies, theme parks, hotels, and entertainment destinations (i.e., San Diego Zoo, San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Universal Studios, Sea World, etc.). Register online to take advantage of these terrific discounts. Special offers and discounts are always changing, so check back frequently. You can purchase and print tickets from the convenience of your home.
The Benefits Portal - In addition to discounts and specials, BenefitHub also offers CASH BACK on some products and services! Get to know the benefit portal by visiting the BenefitHub website. The site is very user friendly. It is easy to do a search under various headings and categories, including Newest, Most Popular, Local Deals, Health and Wellness and Pay Over Time, just to name a few.
Benefit Hub Service - Gift Card Outlet - Save up to 15% on gift cards from over 70 popular merchants. The NEW Gift Card Outlet is in the Discount Marketplace.
Enter the following address in the browser bar, with no leading w's - aasd.benefithub.com Do not do a "search" for Benefit Hub as it will take you to the wrong website. Click on "Guest" at the upper right-hand side of the screen. Fill in the information and create a password. If you have any questions about registering, or encounter any problems, call the AASD office for assistance. If you have any questions about or need assistance with the Benefit Hub website, you can contact Support at (866) 664-4621.
- AASD Contact Information During the District Closure:
Executive Director, Donis Coronel -- donis@aasdcs.org 619-813-8792
Office Manager, Linda Crout-Hamel -- linda@aasdcs.org 619-861-2701
Office Clerk, Jim Costello -- jim@aasdcs.org
Please keep informed via the District’s website www.sandi.net, Daily and Weekly Updates from AASD and via the AASD Website www.aasdcs.org.