DAILY UPDATE #258 -- 5/11/2021

    If any employee (AASD or any unit) receives a bill from UCSD for COVID testing done at our school sites, please have the employee e-mail UCSD and request that the charge be removed from their account.  They should identify themselves as a SDUSD employee.  The charge will be removed.  Nursing and Wellness asks that employees do not call UCSD; e-mail is preferred.  The e-mail address for UCSD is   

    Q and A:
    Q:  I opened my school following the 4 Day model for a variety of reasons including the fact district leadership heavily pushed this model. I am operating at maximum capacity and have quite a few students on the "waiting list". The April 9th Principal Update included the following statement: "Provide opportunities for all students to be included." It also referenced not sending students home. While I am not sending students home immediately, I am holding students who arrived on campus without filling out the parent survey in a temporary room and reminding them not to come back until we are able to determine if there is space for them. I am assuming this is an acceptable strategy given the fact I am operating at capacity in the 4 Day model. Please let me know if this is incorrect.
    Q:  I noticed the 4/21 Principal Update mentioned we need to provide onsite opportunities for all students requesting onsite learning. This is in direct contradiction to what we were previously directed to do. My site has students on a waiting list because I followed the model where families who did not respond to the district survey were assumed to want the online learning model. The current language now implies the previous directive was inaccurate and I feel I am left responsible for cleaning up a situation caused by miscommunication. Can district leadership communicate the role they played in this situation? Please do not direct me to speak with my Area Superintendent for clarification.
    A:  (Answer provided by the district)  New to district families should be accommodated with in person learning at the school of residence.  As school sites receive requests from families who would like to change from online to onsite learning, please note Ed Code 43504 and 48200 for Compulsory Education states that LEAs must provide in person learning to the greatest extent possible and consider the following: 1) Clarify whether the original selection was submitted as a preference from the family or submitted as a default.   2) Identify possible options for placement in onsite learning, including alternative spaces/overflow rooms to accommodate requests.   3) Clearly communicate to families one of the following a) existing space available for immediate attendance onsite b) creating space for onsite attendance and start date or c) remaining online.   4) Maintain an internal list of interested families so that onsite learning can be offered as space becomes available. Additional consideration for accommodation should be made for families in transition (homeless, foster, military) as well as for students with IEPs.  Clearly communicate the current response based on space availability. The term ""waiting lists"" can have implications with regard to expectations for change in placement and/or ambiguous and indefinite time-frames.

    Q:  I noticed a recent email from IT referenced there may be several short interruptions of internet connectivity district wide. It also advised us to check the IT systems status page. http://status.sandi.net for updates. This page has a lot of useful data. The only problem is the referenced page is on the district network itself and therefore by definition not accessable when the district network is down. This actually occured a couple of weeks ago. This made troubleshooting if the problems we were experiencing at site were at the site level or district wide. It is possible to have IT use an off network server to house their system status page?
    A:  (Answer provided by the district)   The status page https://status.sandi.net/ is hosted/maintained on a vendor supported online system (not maintained on district servers). The service is provided by Site24x7; more information can be found on their website: https://www.site24x7.com/web-site-performance.html   The SDUSD Systems Status link<https://status.sandi.net/> is also available on our district's main website and staff portal which is also hosted by an outside vendor to allow access to content and to check systems status when needed.

    The following communication was sent to principals on May 7:


  • We are asking your assistance to strongly encourage students to participate in the FREE COVID-19 Tests.
  • Helpful Hints to promote testing sign up:
    1. Customize this Communication Letter  to send to families.
      • Please note:Families do NOT need a social security number to sign up. Instead, they can type in 555-55-5555.
    2. Use your all school communication platforms (School Messenger, Dojo, Weekly Bulletin, Principal Chats, etc). 
    3. Work with your Site nurse to send out reminders, 2-3 days prior to your testing date.
    4. Think about supports you might put in place to assist families with online sign up. For example, identify a staff member who can help families sign up (outdoors) during arrival or dismissal. 
  • In preparation for your site’s scheduled day, develop a schedule for classes to rotate through the testing area. 
  • If students missed their testing date, they can go to their nearest comprehensive high schools.
  • Resources
    1. COVID-19 Website | FAQ For Families  | Testing Schedule  

  • Please click on the link to view training dates and office hours to support your teachers with FAST administration.
  • District Assessment Resource Teachers, DART’s are available to provide support.
  • Opportunities for refresher information, as well as support for sites accessing FAST for the first time, is available.
  • Please contact Director of Assessment Services, Erika Simmons, esimmons@sandi.net with questions.


  • Wednesday, May 12th, 2021 is National School Nurse Day
  • This celebration recognizes the contributions school nurses make every day to improve the safety, health, and academic success of all students.
  • We traditionally celebrate the health techs during classified week.  

  • Extra grocery items will be available (while supplies last) at our 19 curbside meal locations on a rotating basis. Grocery giveaway days range from Food Bank Food Drives, USDA meal boxes, and fresh produce bags.
  • Please share this information with your school families: Grocery Item Schedule for Week of 5/10-5/14


    ECSE Classrooms

  • As new students enroll in our ECSE separate setting classrooms, sites may want to consider an alternative model for support.  
    1. This is done with collaboration between the site leader and ECSE teacher then presented to the Area Superintendent for approval.  
  • Teams can reach out to Sarah Ott at sott@sandi.net with questions or requests for support as needed.  


    Student Board Member, High Schools

    ·Please help us spread the word to all high school students:

    ·Attention High School Students!  It's almost time to elect your 2021-22 Student Board Member! This Tuesday, May 11, 2021, use this link to cast your vote to choose who you want to represent you: https://bit.ly/3nZlqOj

    ·Voting will be open from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Only high school students are eligible to vote.

    The following communication was sent to Principals on May 10:


  • We are committed to providing a Summer of Learning and Joy for ALL students!
  • Over the weekend, we shared with staff our NEW agreement with SDEA and AASD for a Summer School Incentive Compensation.
    1. Here are the links to the agreementsAASD  |  SDEA 
    2. Principals and Vice Principals were also sent this AASD site Administrator Staffing Memo  (If you would like to work as a summer administrator, please respond via the survey in the memo by Monday, May 10, 2021


  • May 12, 2021: The certificated post and bid (positions for the 2021-22 school year) will close.
    1. May 13th-May 21st: HR Division will review each position to determine those qualified.
  • May 24, 2021: Principals will receive their eligibility lists throughout the day.
    1. Please note- this is one day later than we published during SBB; the date was adjusted based on feedback from site administrators not to release the lists on a Friday. 
  • June 4, 2021: Post and Bid selections are due; principals input selections in PeopleSoft by 5:00 PM. 
    1. Please note- Post and bid assignments without selections in PeopleSoft by 5:00 PM will be staffed by HR per Article 12.2.1 of the current collective bargaining agreement. 
  • June 14-18, 2021: Any Excess and Unassigned staff are placed by HR using the seniority based placement process in Article
  • June 21-25, 2021: Article 12.2.12 voluntary transfer process; site administrators may interview and may select from qualified candidates. 
  • June 25, 2021:  HR sends employees the Post and Bid Selection/Assignment letter to candidates selected through Post and Bid. 
  • June 19-July 31, 2021: HR staffs remaining vacancies


  • We are asking for assistance to strongly encourage students to participate in the FREE COVID-19 Tests.
  • THANK YOU Leaders who met with us this morning to problem solve and brainstorm ideas on how we can inform, educate and help our families with the testing process.
  • To assist families who are unable to complete the online registration, there are two possible solutions:
    1. “Sign Up Station” at Arrival/Dismissal:  
      • Have staff set up tables outside to walk parents through the online registration process. 
    2. “Pilot Option”
      • We have adapted the Online Process Please see Option B.
      • Similar to the Field Trip permission slip process, schools may send home the Forms (Consent & Release of Information) for parents to sign and return to school.
      • Identified school staff (ie health tech, clerk, other staff) can register students in the online system. This can be completed during the regular day or on Fridays when no students are present. 
        1. If staff need to work beyond their work hours in order to register students, they may be compensated using the hourly budget string.
        2. If the front office does not have the capacity to process the paperwork, please reach out to covidtest@sandi.net 
  • Resources  Communication LetterCOVID-19 Website | FAQ For Families  | Testing Schedule 

  • The district is conducting the second round of  LCAP input sessions for all school families and community members to share input on Goal 2: Access to Broad and Challenging Curriculum. 
  • All are invited to join us:
    • Wednesday, May 12 at 5:30 pm
  • Please share the following links:   English Flyer   |   Spanish Flyer

    SDUSD to provide vaccination clinics at eight district high schools (NBC, May 9)

    The hotline AASD negotiated with the District is available to all AASD unit members (classified and certificated) who are charged with enforcing the health and safety policies and procedures at the school site.  Call the hotline when you need immediate assistance when conflicts arise, clarification is needed, or decisions must be made regarding health and safety matters.  Once we have staff and students back on campus, issues may arise where site AASD members don’t have direction or an answer.  Call the hotline for help!  Put the hotline number in your cell phone so you have it when needed.

    This hotline is for ALL AASD represented members, both classified and certificated.  The hotline phone number is
    (619) 981-0760.  The hotline is available on all District workdays, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  In the rare event that a message must be left, all calls will be returned promptly, within the same day.  The hotline is answered by our AASD member, Brian Kenworthy, Operations Specialist who has access to materials and district leadership as necessary.
    If an AASD member has a department or individual that deserves special recognition during this time of crisis, please use the link below for reporting issues/questions/concerns/gratitude to show your gratitude for the department or individual.  AASD will publish that special thanks in our next Daily Update.

    AASD will be sending out a Daily Update, Tuesdays and Thursdays, throughout the return to instruction/school reopening period.  The Weekly Update will continue as usual on Thursdays with the typical news and information for AASD members.  The AASD Office continues to remain closed.  AASD staff are working remotely and can be reached via the contact information at the end of this Update.

    AASD has created a Google Form for AASD Members to report issues, questions or concerns regarding work-related issues, COVID-19, return to instruction and school reopening.  AASD will provide answers to issues, questions or concerns submitted as answers become available.  You may also share your gratitude for another AASD member, district personnel, etc., via the same link.

    The link to share issues/questions/concerns/gratitude is:

    Please do not share this link outside of AASD membership (classified and certificated management/supervisors).  The link will be active until this crisis is over. 

    NOTE:  All previous AASD Daily Updates and Weekly Updates are located on the AASD Website www.aasdcs.org if you need to refer back to them for information.

    For your convenience, the District has created a list of Frequently Asked Questions.  To access that list, click the link https://sites.google.com/sandi.net/covid19/staff-info
    Executive Director, Donis Coronel -- donis@aasdcs.org   619-813-8792
    Office Manager, Linda Crout-Hamel -- 
    linda@aasdcs.org   619-861-2701
    Office Clerk, Jim Costello --
    Please keep informed via the District’s website www.sandi.net, Daily Updates from AASD and via the AASD Website www.aasdcs.org.


Copyright © 2021 Administrators Association of San Diego City Schools, All rights reserved.