AASD Weekly Update 07-01-2021
- AASD BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVE BOARD FOR 2021-22. Please join us in congratulating the AASD Board of Directors for 2021-22 as follows. Those denoted with an asterisk and in bold type have also been appointed/elected to the AASD Executive Board.
President -- Jolie Pickett, Principal, Garfield High*
Past President -- Juan Romo, Principal, Emerson-Bandini Elementary*
Vice President, Certificated -- Scott Thomason, Principal, CPMA Middle*
Vice President, Classified -- Jeff Thomas, School Site Operations Specialist, CCTE*
Secretary/Treasurer -- Gina Camacho-McGrath, Principal, Miller Elementary*
Senior High Principals -- Cynthia Larkin, Principal, Morse High
Middle and K-8 Principals -- Precious Jackson-Hubbard, Principal, Bell Middle
Elementary Principals -- Shannon Bussey, Principal, Freese Elementary
Elementary Principals -- Irene Hightower, Principal, Hancock Elementary*
Vice Principals -- Jenney Nash, Vice Principal, Muirlands Middle
Vice Principals -- Sarah Thomas, Vice Principal, Clairemont High
Central Office Certificated -- Dean Darley, Program Manager, CCTE*
Classified Managers -- Samantha Clabaugh, Operations Specialist, PPO
Classified Managers -- Jennifer Marrone, Business Manager, Food Services
Classified Supervisors -- Paula Hamar, Supervising Rehab. Specialist, Mental Health
Resource Center/TRACE*
Classified Supervisors -- Jonel “Shortie” Smith, Landscape Supervisor, PPO
BSS III/POS -- Troy Hickey, Building Services Supervisor III, P.B. Middle*
Food Services Supv./Area Supv. -- Cristine Holmer, Food Services Area Supervisor,
Food and Nutrition Services
School Police -- Deanna Laramore, Communications Supervisor, School Police
Police Management Association -- Jesus Montana, Sergeant, School Police*
ACSAR, Region 18 -- Pat Crowder, Retired
Health and Welfare Rep. -- John Aguilar , Principal, Normal Heights Elementary*
Health and Welfare Rep. -- Phil Baertschi, Custodial Services Supervisor, PPO
Health and Welfare Rep. -- Bob Raines, Retired
Committee Co-Chairs:
Legislative and Political Affairs (LAPA) -- Nina Dixon-Mauricia, Principal, Linda
Vista Elementary
Legislative and Political Affairs (LAPA) -- Marci Lammey, Supervising Administrative
Assistant II, Extended Learning
Member Relations -- Susan Kent, Vice Principal, Wangenheim Middle
Member Relations -- Maria Moore-Flagg, Retired
Professional Development -- Mario Garcia, Translator-Interpreter Supervisor, Special
Professional Development -- Maria Gomez, Principal, Penn Elementary
Scholarship -- Veronica Ortega, Operations Specialist, Secondary Schools
Scholarship -- Sharon Rubalcava, Program Manager, Secondary Teaching*
Retiree Network -- Maria Moore-Flagg, Retired
Retiree Network -- Bob Raines, Retired
AASD Staff -- Donis Coronel, Executive Director*
AASD Staff -- Linda Crout-Hamel, Office Manager
AASD Staff -- Jim Costello, Office Clerk/Membership Coordinator
AASD would like to thank both Jeff Olivero and Erica Renfree for serving on the Board of Directors. They are transitioning off the Board. We appreciate their service and dedication!
- BARGAINING UPDATES. AASD is in the process of bargaining/clarifying a number of items as follows:
Vacation Usage/Payoff. AASD has been in discussions with the District regarding those AASD members who are at or over the 328-hour cap. It is a complicated topic due to a number of factors. AASD has requested that all AASD members who are over the cap in August 2021 be paid off for vacation hours in excess of 328. AASD has told the District we must have a response on this ASAP as members need to know whether to use vacation this summer or cancel and be paid off. AASD has been told we will have a response by Friday. As soon as AASD receives a response, we will make a notification to members.
2021-22 School Year Bargaining. As many of you know, the District reached agreement with SDEA on a number of factors regarding next year/COVID. AASD is in the process of reviewing the proposals and working with the district to bargain language that applies to our members (COVID leave, health and safety, etc.).
Successor Bargaining. AASD’s contracts expire on June 30, 2021. AASD will be bargaining a new contract soon. As many of you know, SDEA just bargained a contract that goes through June 30, 2022 and includes a 4% across the board salary increase effective July 1, 2021. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/education/story/2021-06-25/san-diego-unified
All AASD members will be receiving the same percentage across the board salary increase (4%) due to the “me, too” language AASD negotiated in our contract on behalf of our membership. In order to prepare for bargaining, please take the time to complete a survey on what you would like to see bargained. The deadline for completing the survey is July 11. Please – AASD wants to hear your voice! The link for the survey is:
Classified Survey – Managers and Supervisors: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdIgrqwcjzGu3cya6q7fPqdn2uLzPQmGCzrxyD3l615XV7xtQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Certificated Survey -- Principals, Vice Principals and Central Officer Certificated Managers: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc39X06IVWVL4fdh0WO-l9jz_FbT8OdgT9ZrytqbJlEaGI4ow/viewform?usp=sf_link
The deadline to complete the survey is July 11 at 11:59p.m.
Transformation of School Police Bargaining. AASD was approached last Fall regarding this topic. Since then, AASD has not received much information from the district. AASD’s last inquiry was last week.
Summer Programs/Qualifications for 2% Incentive and Approval of Absence (Extenuating Circumstances). AASD will be meeting with HR to discuss these two topics. If a member is a BSS III or POS at a school site hosting one or more of the summer programs, they will qualify for the 2% of annual salary incentive for working. All Food Services Supervisors and Area Supervisors are also eligible. All Principals and Vice Principals who are the “administrator on record” for the summer programs are eligible. For other AASD members who think they might be eligible for the 2% incentive, please contact AASD Executive Director, Donis Coronel, so she can meet with the district to discuss (if you have already contacted Donis regarding this matter, there is no need to re-contact).
For those AASD members who are working at a school site hosting one of the summer programs and are going to be absent more than two days (elementary or middle schools) or more than three days (high school) and would like to be considered for an “extenuating circumstances” exemption so they still receive the 2% incentive, please contact Donis ASAP. If you have already contacted Donis regarding this issue, no need to contact her again. Donis will be meeting with the district very soon on this topic.
Compensation for Principals is Now Extended to Vice Principals. AASD thanked the district for the compensation for principals (20 hours during summer time off); however, AASD requested that Vice Principals receive the same offer of 20 hours to be compensated for work during off calendar time this summer. The district responded that they will now compensate Vice Principals up to 20 hours. Great news! The language below now also applies to Vice Principals.
COMPENSATION FOR SITE PRINCIPALS (AASD addition – Now also applies to Vice Principals)
- Our executive leadership team recognizes the time, dedication, and commitment our Principals have invested into supporting students, families, and educators during this unprecedented year.
- To honor the time you may be investing into the reopening of the 2021-2022 school year, school site principals may be compensated for time worked when they are off calendar.
- Similar to the Spring Break compensation process, site principals may submit a time card for each day worked outside of their work days up to 20 hours total.
- Site principals will be compensated at the PRO RATA rate.
AASD Bargaining Teams. There are two changes to the certificated AASD bargaining team for 2021-22 as indicated below. AASD thanks Principal Ernie Remillard for serving on the team for over six years and Program Manager Kristin Makena for serving for one year. We appreciate you and wish you the best in your new endeavors! And thank you to our continuing and new AASD bargaining team members for your time, dedication and hard work on behalf of all AASD members.
Certificated Bargaining Team (new members in bold)
Donis Coronel, AASD Executive Director (Chief Negotiator)
Patti Burch, Official Notetaker
Scott Thomason, Principal, CPMA (Bargaining Chair)
Jason Babineau, Principal, Hoover High
Heather Harris, Program Manager, Teacher Prep and Induction
Jonathan McDade, Principal, Correia Middle
Lauren Robinson, Principal, Hawthorne Elementary
Niecy Watkins, Principal, Jerabek Elementary
Classified Bargaining Team
Donis Coronel, AASD Executive Director (Chief Negotiator)
Patti Burch, Official Notetaker
Jesus Montana, Sergeant, School Police (Bargaining Chair)
Bill Cheney, Food Services Area Manager, Morse Cluster
Bryan Ehm, Manager, Physical Plant Operations Program Management, PPO
Brian Kenworthy, Operations Manager, Leadership and Learning
Ivan Martinez, Plant Operations Supervisor, Hoover High
Lumumba Mushonga, Supervising Rehabilitation Specialist, Marcy Center
- Our executive leadership team recognizes the time, dedication, and commitment our Principals have invested into supporting students, families, and educators during this unprecedented year.
- To honor the time you may be investing into the reopening of the 2021-2022 school year, school site principals may be compensated for time worked when they are off calendar.
- Similar to the Spring Break compensation process, site principals may submit a time card for each day worked outside of their work days up to 20 hours total.
- Site principals will be compensated at the PRO RATA rate.
SDUSD admin and central office employees are cordially invited to attend one or more of the FREE virtual leadership learning opportunities being offered over the course of the next two weeks by Franklin Covey.
- Franklin Covey is providing the Leader in Me curriculum for our elementary and middle schools this summer and is hosting a series of FREE webinars.
- These voluntary leadership learning opportunities mirror the learning of our educators and students.
- Register for as many virtual sessions as you would like to attend. Principals, please feel free to send this invitation to your leadership teams as well.
- The leadership learning opportunity descriptions, dates, times, and registration can be found by clicking HERE. Once you register, Zoom links will be sent to your email address.
- Please email Jennifer Roberson with any questions.
Q: I am putting the principal institutes & other meetings in my calendar for next year, and I immediately noticed that we have 2 "full day" Elementary Leadership Labs scheduled within the window for SPSA, with one on Friday, Oct 1 and the SPSA is due on Monday, Oct. 4 (also September 10). Unless the leadership labs include time to work on the SPSA, this seems like a lot of time off campus when we have important federal guidelines to meet with SSC elections & writing the plan & holding the SSC meeting to approve the plan. They might not be able to change the dates at this point, but can you at least bring this concern to the attention of higher leadership? Also, there is a conflict with the Elementary leadership lab on Fri, Feb 11--Liz already scheduled TEP that day at 12:30. I'm sure Liz already is communicating with someone about this--either to move the lab day or to move TEP.
A: (Answer provided by the district) Thank you for your feedback. The TEP meeting for February is scheduled for 2/25/22. The SPSA team is currently reviewing the timeline for next school year.
When members show their gratitude for other district staff in the Google Form listed above, AASD will publish that message of gratitude.
AASD has been asked to publish the job postings in our Weekly Update. AASD also suggests that all applicants (classified and certificated) mark their calendars to check weekly for new job postings each Monday. This way, you will not miss out on a posting you might be interested in (as all jobs in the AASD unit must be posted for 10 days).
AASD-Represented CERTIFICATED Job Postings
Instructional Coordinator, Special Education, Closes July 4
Principal, Mission Bay High, Closes July 10
Principal, Clark Middle, Closes July 10
Principal, Metro Career and Tech High School, Closes July 10
Principal, Millennial Tech Middle, Closes July 10
Principal, Longfellow K-8, Closes July 10
Principal, Green Elementary, Closes July 10
Principal, Chesterton Elementary, Closes July 10
Vice Principal, Language Academy, Closes July 10
Vice Principal, Lincoln High, Re-Post, Closes July 10
AASD-Represented CLASSIFIED Job Postings
None at this time.
AASD acknowledges deaths of our members, retirees, or their immediate family members via the Weekly Update. If you have information on a death to be reported in the AASD Weekly Update, please contact any of the staff at the AASD office with the information. We appreciate your help with this – we don’t always know right away when a death has occurred or the information on services.
AASD sends sincere condolences to Retired AASD Member, Ruth Jones, on the loss of her father on June 26. Ruth’s Dad, Mr. Anguiano, was a Pastor and the patriarch of their family. Our thoughts are with Ruth and her family during this time.
The AASD Office will reopen on July 12 with health and safety measures in place. Office hours will be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, Monday-Thursday. Staff will be working remotely on Fridays. We ask that you call the office before visiting to ensure staff are not offsite at an appointment, running work-related errands or at lunch. Also, if visitors are not vaccinated, we ask that you wear a face mask when visiting the office. Donis, Linda and Jim are happy to be returning to the office! To check in before visiting, the office phone number is 619-295-2118.
The AASD Weekly Update will continue as usual on Thursdays with important news and information for AASD members.
The Google Form created during the pandemic is a great tool for members to share any questions or concerns and will remain active. Please share your questions and/or concerns regarding any issues you would like AASD to follow up on. Please be specific. AASD will then obtain answers to the questions or concerns which will be published in the Weekly Update. Members may also show their gratitude for other district staff in this Google Form and AASD will publish that message of gratitude.
The link to share issues/questions/concerns/gratitude is:
NOTE: All previous AASD Daily Updates and Weekly Updates are located on the AASD Website www.aasdcs.org if you need to refer back to them for information.
Brandman University is looking to hire a student teacher supervisor with a single subject credential and teaching experience to begin Fall 2021. Most of their supervisors also have administrative background. The supervisor needs to be current and knowledgeable with technology. Please send your vitae to Laurel Lamb and feel free to contact her if you have questions.
Laurel Lamb, Campus Clinical Coordinator Brandman University
llamb@brandman.edu 619-908-6038
- NEGOTIATED HOTLINE FOR AASD MEMBERS IS AVAILABLE! In the Return to Instruction MOU, AASD negotiated the following language:
The District will establish a “hotline” available to AASD unit members and other management who are charged with enforcing the health and safety policies and procedures where they can call or e-mail and get immediate assistance when conflicts arise, clarification is needed, or decisions must be made regarding health and safety matters. This hotline will be available on all District workdays, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will be staffed with a person in authority who has the capability to make decisions or who has direct access to those who can make decisions. In the rare event that a message must be left, all calls will be returned promptly, within the same day.
AASD member, Brian Kenworthy, who is a classified manager (Operations Specialist) is the voice on the other end of the hotline. Many of you know Brian as he has worked for the district for 18 years in departments such as Human Resources, Summer School/ESY, Leadership and Learning, Labor Relations, Office of the Superintendent and the Charter School Office. Brian has been a great resource for our members and is a well-respected manager. Thank you, Brian!
This hotline is for ALL AASD represented members, both classified and certificated. The Hotline phone number is (619) 981-0760.
- SEE'S CANDIES. See's is now offering gift cards instead of the paper gift certificates. The paper gift certificates are no longer available for purchase, but if you have any of the paper gift certificates, they are still valid and will be honored at stores.
The new gift cards are available for purchase from AASD by members in good standing, affiliate members and retired members. The gift cards are valued at $25, but the discounted cost for our members is just $21.25. This is a savings of $3.75 per gift card!
If you are interested in purchasing gift cards, simply email Linda Crout-Hamel (linda@aasdcs.org). Please email your request and provide your phone number so she can call you to discuss your order and payment options (credit or debit card, check). The gift cards will then be mailed to the address you provide or you may make arrangements to pick up after the office reopens on July 12.
In addition to these gift cards, Administrators Association of San Diego (AASD) members qualify for quantity discounts on See's candy at the Quantity Discount store on Rosecrans. To redeem your discount, show a valid photo ID, your AASD member card, and provide our account number 6472612 or the office phone number 619-295-2118. Note: the acronym "AASD" will not work for the business name. This discount is only valid at 3751 Rosecrans Street, San Diego, CA 92110.
- IMPORTANT - PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS. AASD communicates with members via personal e-mail address. We do not communicate via "sandi.net." If you know of a colleague that is not receiving the Update, or if your personal email address changes, please remember to notify AASD by e-mailing our Office Clerk, Jim Costello, at Jim@aasdcs.org.
- UNION PLUS - MONEY-SAVING PROGRAMS FOR AFSA MEMBERS! AFSA membership is provided to all AASD Members in Good Standing at no additional cost. For more information regarding AFSA and Union Plus benefits, please visit their website: https://www.theschoolleader.org/
IMPORTANT: For Members in Good Standing and Affiliate Members who have added AFSA -- If you have not turned in the “Combined AFSA Benefits Information Form,” please submit the form immediately. This form must be submitted in order to be eligible for the professional liability, legal services, etc. You do not need to list your full social security number on the form; however, AFSA has requested that you provide at least the last four digits. For a copy of the form, click here
For all our Members in Good Standing, and Affiliates and Retirees who have selected to be members of AFSA, there are many money-saving programs offered to you. Click here to review your many options!
- IMPORTANT – ELECTRONIC LINK AVAILABLE! FILL OUT YOUR AASD MEMBERSHIP RECOMMITMENT FORM NOW! This information pertains to current AASD members who were AASD members prior to June 28, 2018. It does NOT apply to Affiliate members or Retired members. Many have asked how to “re-join” AASD in light of the Supreme Court Decision, Janus v. AFSCME. If you were an AASD member on June 27, 2018, per the Decision, you automatically stayed as an AASD "Member in Good Standing" and will remain so. However, we are asking all AASD members to re-commit to AASD by completing the google form (link below). This re-confirms your AASD membership and ensures that you have access to the benefits of being an AASD member – legal representation, AASD representation, discounted services, scholarships for your children, professional development reimbursements, etc.
Some of you have already filled out the new membership form over the past year – if so, it is not necessary to complete it again. If you have any questions regarding the re-commitment form, please contact the AASD office at 619-295-2118 or e-mail one of the AASD staff members for assistance. Thank you in advance for your commitment to our Union – AASD.
To review the benefits of being an AASD member, please Click here.
- AASD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS POSTED ON THE AASD WEBSITE. The collective bargaining agreements (contracts) for the AASD classified unit and the AASD certificated unit are posted on the AASD website. The District no longer provides a hard copy to AASD members. You are welcome to view the contracts on our website and feel free to print a copy, if you wish. To view the contracts, visit the AASD website at www.aasdcs.org and click on Governance/Contracts or Collective Bargaining/Contracts.
- AASD WEBSITE. Click here www.aasdcs.org to view our website. The website is kept up-to-date and current for all of our members (members in good standing, retirees and affiliate members). Visit the website to view the AASD calendar and for forms and information on our Union, as well as discounts for members.
If you have any feedback on the website, please e-mail jim@aasdcs.org with your comments. We hope our website is a great resource for you!
- ESTATE PLANNING – DISCOUNT FOR AASD MEMBERS! AASD has a partnership with Greg Runge, Estate Planning Attorney. Greg is an estate planning attorney with approximately 10 years of experience practicing in the areas of wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney and advance health care directives. In addition to his legal work, Greg is also currently a Lieutenant with a local police department, where he is in his 19th year of service as a sworn officer. As a public employee, Greg is very aware of the unique estate planning issues that can come into play with our members. Greg has focused his legal practice on providing essential estate planning services to public employees and their families at an affordable rate. This benefit is available to all AASD Members in Good Standing, AASD Affiliate Members and AASD Retired Members. Greg is offering this service to our members for a flat fee of $750, which is 50% off the going rate for estate planning (very complex or very large estates may require a higher fee that would be individually negotiated with the member). To contact Greg Runge, please e-mail gregrunge@gmail.com or call (858) 395-4011 and be sure to mention you are an AASD member so you receive the discounted rate.
- MEMBERSHIP IN THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS (ACSA). There are many benefits of being an ACSA Member – as detailed in this handout. (click on link) Dues are deducted 10 times a year (September-June).
If AASD members are interested in membership with ACSA, please click on link for information on applying via the website.
- AASD PROFESSIONAL GROWTH GRANT. The Administrators Association San Diego City Schools (AASD), in conjunction with the San Diego Unified School District, provides financial grants to members to assist them in their professional growth. Unit members who participate in professional development activities related to job-connected skills or potential careers with the District may qualify to have the cost of registration fees defrayed by available funds up to $100. This includes ACSA-sponsored Academies, Conferences and Institutes. Click here for more details.
- "BENEFIT HUB". Benefit Hub is an online discount program. All AASD members have access to thousands of discounts which allows you to save on everything from movies and theme parks to restaurants and sporting events.
This free service provides discounts to car rental companies, theme parks, hotels, and entertainment destinations (i.e., San Diego Zoo, San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Universal Studios, Sea World, etc.). Register online to take advantage of these terrific discounts. Special offers and discounts are always changing, so check back frequently. You can purchase and print tickets from the convenience of your home.
The Benefits Portal - In addition to discounts and specials, BenefitHub also offers CASH BACK on some products and services! Get to know the benefit portal by visiting the BenefitHub website. The site is very user friendly. It is easy to do a search under various headings and categories, including Newest, Most Popular, Local Deals, Health and Wellness and Pay Over Time, just to name a few.
Benefit Hub Service - Gift Card Outlet - Save up to 15% on gift cards from over 70 popular merchants. The NEW Gift Card Outlet is in the Discount Marketplace.
Enter the following address in the browser bar, with no leading w's - aasd.benefithub.com Do not do a "search" for Benefit Hub as it will take you to the wrong website. Click on "Guest" at the upper right-hand side of the screen. Fill in the information and create a password. If you have any questions about registering, or encounter any problems, call the AASD office for assistance. If you have any questions about or need assistance with the Benefit Hub website, you can contact Support at (866) 664-4621.
- AASD Contact Information ON REMOTE WORKING DAYS:
Executive Director, Donis Coronel -- donis@aasdcs.org 619-813-8792
Office Manager, Linda Crout-Hamel -- linda@aasdcs.org 619-861-2701
Office Clerk, Jim Costello -- jim@aasdcs.org