SUPPORT THE AASD SCHOLARSHIP FUND!  A NEW WAY TO DONATE AND SUPPORT GRADUATING SENIORS.  FOR THE COST OF A STARBUCKS COFFEE OR A VISIT TO FAST FOOD, YOU CAN SUPPORT OUR SCHOLARSHIP FUND!  For years, AASD has supported our members by providing $1000 scholarships to the children of our members who are graduating from high school and going on to higher education.  Each year, AASD awards between $15,000 and $18,000 in scholarships.  In lieu of holding an annual event to fund the scholarships, the AASD Scholarship Committee, co-chaired by Veronica Ortega and Mary Johnson, has created an opportunity for our Members in Good Standing and Affiliate Members to make a nominal donation via payroll deduction to the AASD Scholarship Fund.  With the support of our members, this option will allow our scholarship program to remain solvent and remain funded. 
The AASD Board of Directors is encouraging all Members in Good Standing and Affiliate Members to consider donating via payroll deduction in support of our program.  By clicking the provided link or scanning the QR code below, members can make a donation 10 times a year (August through May) of either $3, $5, $10 or $20 per month via payroll deduction.  Link – AASD Scholarship Payroll Deduction    QR Code – Scholarship Payroll Deduction

Of course, any member (active or retired) can make a direct donation by sending a check to the AASD office or calling the office with a debit or credit card information.  Checks should be payable to “UASC Foundation,” and in the memo, write “AASD Scholarship Fund.”
AASD would also like to acknowledge that all dues paid by AASD Retired Members (annually or one-time lifetime) go directly to the AASD Scholarship Fund.
Thank you in advance for your support!  In order to continue the program without holding fundraising events we need your generosity!