AASD Forms

Premier Business Partners

  • American Fidelity Assurance CompanyAn additional benefit for members and affiliate members is an opportunity to purchase disability, cancer, life and other insurance products through American Fidelity Assurance. For additional insurance information, members can contact American Fidelity directly at (800) 365-9180.  Inform the receptionist that you are with San Diego Unified and she will direct you to the appropriate person.

Membership in the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA)

MEMBERSHIP IN THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS (ACSA).  ACSA is a statewide organization for school leaders, serving more than 17,000 California educators and administrators in 19 regions throughout California, each made up of local charters.  ACSA’s Mission:  The Association of California School Administrators is the driving force for an equitable, world-class education system, and the development and support of inspired educational leaders who meet the diverse needs of all California students.  Visit ACSA’s website at acsa.org for more information about this organization.

Deborah Burke is our Region 18 ACSA Membership Services Representative. She is local and your completed membership applications can be sent directly to her. By completing your application and signing it, then scanning and attaching it to an email to Deborah, you will expedite the processing of your application. If you have any questions about ACSA, cost, benefits, opportunities, etc., please reach out to Deborah at dburke@acsa.org or at (619) 504-3512.

The following types of ACSA membership are available, as applicable, to people in San Diego Unified/AASD.  All memberships can be paid by payroll deduction, personal check, or Mastercard/VISA.  The following are descriptions of each type of application.

SELECT UNION DISTRICT Membership:  Click here for application.
$1/day ($30.42/month) for remainder of the current school year. Dues are prorated after July 1. Member may choose to be a Regular Member with full benefits or be a Consolidated Member, without legal support, but can contact advocates for limited consultation. Standard dues begin July 1 of their second year of membership.

ACSA ASSOCIATE Membership: (associate on cover – with Business Reply Mail cover)
$250/year and prorated for new members joining after July 1.  Can be paid by check (full amount), Payroll deduction (3 equal installments of $83.33; not offered after September), or VISA/Mastercard (full payment).  Click here for application.

ACSA RETIRED Membership: (2 types) Click here for application.
Emeritus Lifetime – $700 (a one-time fee). May be paid in (3 equal installments of $233.34 (not offered after September), via Master Card/VISA (full payment), or via a personal (full payment) check.
Full Regular – $125/year paid via a monthly deduction from member’s STRS pension via a payroll deduction, or Master Card/VISA (full payment), or a personal check (full payment).

If you wish to use ACSA’s online application process to join, click here for the “Steps for Joining ACSA.”