AASD Weekly Update 3/23/2023

  • SPRING CONFERENCEThank you to all who attended the AASD/SDUSD Spring Conference on March 21.  We had a record crowd!  Over 450 people attended.  Despite the POURING RAIN (it never rains in California, right??) it was a morning for networking, learning, and fun.  It was our first time holding the conference at Marina Village, and we thank you for your patience as we navigate this new venue.  Please read below:
    Thank you to our Premier Sponsors for this event:  CALPRO Network Financial Services; SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union; Symmetry Financial Group; and VEBA. 
    Thank you to our Sponsors that provided all of the IT/AV equipment and support for this event:  Anchor Audio, Bluum, Epson America, Inc., and Legrand.
    Thank you to our Presenters: Melissa Eisler (Wide Lens Leadership), Joe Bauers (CALPRO), Robert Cappuccio (VEBA), Brea Ellis and Chantal Camarrillo (UnionPlus and Wells Fargo), Kristel Boe (Artbeat SD).
    Thank you to Superintendent Lamont Jackson and Deputy Superintendent Fabiola Bagula for their very “warm welcome.”
    Thank you to AFSA Executive Vice President, Lauran Waters Cherry, for bringing AFSA greetings to our conference.
    Thank you to our Vendor Partners:  ACSA, AFLAC, American Fidelity, Benchmark Education Co., California Coast Credit Union, CALPRO Network Financial Services, Explore Learning, Horace Mann, Lexia Learning, Mission Federal Credit Union, North Island Credit Union, Octavia Wealth Advisors, Parenting EQ, SchoolsFirst Credit Union, SDUSD Food Services, SDUSD Wellness, Symmetry Financial Group, UnionPlus, USS Midway Museum, and VEBA.
    Thank you to all our awesome volunteers and our AASD Professional Development Committee!  Co-Chairs: Julie Garcia/Mario Garcia; Members:  Miriam Atlas, Lucille Ciudad-Real, Samantha Clabaugh, Jim Hallauer, Bernie Kacijancic, Silvia Martinez, Kate McDevitt, Lauren Robinson, and Jeff Thomas.
    Thank you to the AASD Staff for their hard work:  Linda Crout-Hamel, Patti Burch, Donis Coronel
    Premier Sponsor and Presenter Contact Information:
    Melissa Eisler, Wide Lens Leadership
    www.widelensleadership.com    melissa@widelensleadership.com
    Dan Huslin, Symmetry Group Insurance  danhuslin.sfg@gmail.com    https://www.sfglife.com/
    Cynthia Covarrubias, SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union  ccovarrubias@schoolsfirstfcu.org 
    Joe Bauers, CALPRO Network Financial Services   joe.bauers@calpronetwork.com
    Robert Cappuccio, VEBA    rcappuccio@mcgregorinc.com 
    Brea Ellis, UnionPlus     BEllis@unionprivilege.org    https://www.theschoolleader.org/member-benefits
    Kristel Boe, ArtBeat SD (Succulent Terrariums)    artbeatsdevents@gmail.com   www.artbeatsandiego.com
    Rachel Sakacs, Epson America, Inc. (projectors)  Rachelle.Sakacs@ea.epson.com
    Fred Scurti, Legrand (screens)  fred.scurti@legrand.com
    Anchor Audio  (mics and speakers)  owenm@anchoraudio.com
    MJ Martinez, Bluum  (IT needs)  manuel.martinez@bluum.com

    The following people won $100 gift cards from AASD:  John Burciaga, Sophia Glover, Jan Wendt, Susie Sovereign, Patti Heck, Bev Fitzpatrick, Yoshiko Welch, Dulcinea (Nea) Hearn, Stacy Allen, and Shannon Bossard.

    Some of the vendors donated a prize for the AASD raffle ticket drawing.  Here are the lucky winners:
    Aaron Nannini ($25 Amazon gift card from Horace Mann), Sylvia Porras ($25 Amazon gift card from Horace Mann), Kimberly Meng (MFCU blanket and $50 Visa gift card from Mission Federal Credit Union), Juliana Liebke (gift basket from Octavia Wealth Advisors with $50 BevMo gift card and $50 Starbucks card), and Gloria Mastro (Wellness Basket from VEBA).

    Several vendors did a raffle of their own at their table.  They will contact their winners directly.

  • HOW DID YOU DO ON THE TRIVIA GAME??  The Trivia Game icebreaker at the Spring Conference was a big hit!  The winning table - "Rob" - got 7 answers correct.  MOST tables had 6 correct answers.  Each person at the winning table received a Starbucks gift card!

    Here are the questions and answers from the Trivia Game.  How well do you know our school district?

    What year was San Diego City Schools founded?   1854
    What year did AASD become a Union?   2009
    The first teacher in San Diego Schools was William P Toler.  How much did Mr. Toler make per month?   $100
    What famous screenplay/movie was written by Cameron Crowe about one of our high schools?
    Fast Times at Ridgemont High
    When was the historic Annex 1 building at 4100 Normal Street (that was originally The Normal School) built?   1898
    The famous Carlin v Board of Education landmark case was ruled on in what year?   1977
    The Education Center is named after Eugene Brucker.  What was his job with San Diego City Schools at his time of retirement?   Deputy Superintendent
    Who was the first female Superintendent in San Diego City Schools?   Bertha Pendleton
    What is the official full name of AASD?   Administrators Association San Diego City Schools
    What is the oldest high school in San Diego Unified?   San Diego High
    There have been two teacher’s strikes in the history of San Diego City Schools.  The first was in 1977.  When was the 2nd strike?   1996
    What department was located in the basement of Annex 1 in the 1980’s?   School Police
    What is the office number of the Superintendents Office at 4100 Normal Street?   2219
    Tie Breaker Question 1:  How many Members in Good Standing (both classified and certificated) does AASD have?   575
    Tie Breaker Question 2:  How many traditional elementary schools does San Diego Unified have?   117

  • SPRING BREAK 2023!  The AASD Board of Directors wishes a peaceful and restful Spring Break to those who are off work!  The AASD office will be closed March 27-31, 2023 and will reopen on Monday, April 3.  In the event of an urgent matter, please contact AASD Executive Director, Donis Coronel, at donis@unitedadmin.us or cell phone 619-813-8792.
    Our Legislative and Political Affairs (LAPA) Committee has been busy reviewing various bills affecting our members and students this legislative year. If our LAPA Committee determines that AASD should make the state legislature aware of our position, they bring forward a recommendation to the Executive Board and the Board of Directors. If both boards agree, a letter is generated and sent to the appropriate Legislative Committee and the bill's author. AASD’s position is then officially recorded for the public to view.

    If you become aware of a bill our LAPA Committee should review, please contact our Committee Co-Chairs, Marci Lammey or Nina Dixon-Mauricia. You can also view the list of bills our LAPA Committee is reviewing or bills our Board of Directors has taken a position by clicking the following link:
    2023 Tracked Legislation

    Are you interested in being a member of the LAPA Committee?  We would love your participation!  If you are interested in joining this committee, please contact Donis Coronel at donis@unitedadmin.us.

  • DEADLINE IS APRIL 7!!  AASD IS AWARDING $1000 SCHOLARSHIPS TO CHILDREN OF OUR AASD MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING. The AASD Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce that children and stepchildren of AASD Members in Good Standing, AASD Retired Members, and AASD Affiliate Members who are graduating seniors this year are eligible for an AASD scholarship to be used towards higher education.  The AASD Scholarship Program is funded by dues from AASD Retired Members, funds raised via fundraising (Casino Night), as well as interest earned on our AASD investment account.  All students who apply and are qualified will receive a $1000 scholarship.  The application submission deadline is April 7, 2023.  Please click the link below for information on how to apply and for the application.

    PLEASE NOTE:  Please mail the application and required essay to the AASD office via U.S. mail (3505 Camino del Rio South #264, SD  92108) or scan and e-mail it to
    donis@unitedadmin.us by the deadline.   Click here for the application.  

  • BARGAINING UPDATE.  Bargaining was scheduled for March 15 and was canceled as the District is not yet ready to respond to our proposals.  Our next bargaining session is scheduled for April 12.
  • AASD SUPPORTS OUR MEMBERS.  Read below for an example of how AASD serves our members.

    By being an AASD Member in Good Standing, Retired Member with AFSA or Affiliate Member with AFSA, you have access to incredible benefits with AFSA!  Discounts and deals through UnionPlus are amazing!  Our members can save money right and left!  For more information, visit the AFSA website at

    This is another example of what AASD does to support our members.  If you need assistance from AASD, please contact the office at 619-295-2118 or e-mail the Executive Director, Donis Coronel, at donis@unitedadmin.us.

    AASD has been asked to publish the job postings in our Weekly Update.  AASD also suggests that all applicants (classified and certificated) mark their calendars to check weekly for new job postings each Monday.  This way, you will not miss out on a posting you might be interested in (as all jobs in the AASD unit must be posted for 10 days). 

    AASD-Represented CERTIFICATED Job Postings 

    Program Manager, Educational Technology, Closes 4/1
    Program Manager, Teaching and Learning, CSI Schools, Closes 4/1
    Program Manager, Teaching and Learning, MTSS, Closes 4/1


    AASD-Represented CLASSIFIED Job Postings
    None at this time.

    When members wish to show their gratitude for other district staff, please contact Donis Coronel at  donis@unitedadmin.us and AASD will publish that message of gratitude in the next Weekly Update. 
    AASD acknowledges deaths of our members, retirees, or their immediate family members via the Weekly Update.  If you have information on a death to be reported in the AASD Weekly Update, please contact any of the staff at the AASD office with the information.  We appreciate your help with this – we don’t always know right away when a death has occurred or the information on services.

  • AASD DISTINGUISHED LEADER AWARDS.  Each year, AASD honors a number of members as AASD Distinguished Leaders. Please consider nominating a colleague for this award. We have wonderful co-workers throughout our AASD bargaining unit and in our retiree ranks who are worthy of recognition.  The AASD Member Relations Committee is hopeful that you will take the time to nominate someone who goes "Above and Beyond!"  Any member can nominate a colleague from any category (example:  a Principal could nominate a BSS III/POS or a Food Services Area Supervisor could nominate an Associate Principal, etc.).  The winners will be recognized in June at our annual Summerfest Celebration on June 23, 2023.

    The following link will lead you to the nomination form. Nominations are due by April 28, 2023. Click below for the link to the form and criteria.  


  • ELEMENTARY PRINCIPALS/ASSOCIATE PRINCIPALS – COULD YOUR TK/KINDERS BENEFIT FROM AASD'S HOMEWORK KITS?  Since 2014, AASD has been funding “homework kits” for incoming Kindergarten and TK students at a deserving elementary school (or schools).  The Homework Kits are filled with school supplies that students can use at home when completing their homework.

    If you would like your elementary site to be considered for the Homework Kits for the opening of the 2023-24 school year, please complete and submit the application no later than April 28, 2023.  The AASD Member Relations Committee will review the applications and select the school(s) to receive the Homework Kits.  The lucky school(s) will be announced at the beginning of June. 

    The following link will lead you to the form for consideration. Forms are due by April 28, 2023. Click below for the link to the form. 



    AASD Membership Meeting May 11, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. Location is Marina Village, Seaside Room.  For all Members in Good Standing, Affiliate Members and Retired Members.  More information will be forthcoming.

    AASD Summerfest End of the Year Event
    June 23, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at Marina Village.  Free to all AASD Members in Good Standing, Retired Members and Affiliate Members.

  • SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR ALL GRADUATING SENIORS FROM THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS (ACSA).  Region 18 of ACSA and the SD County Schools Boards Association are offering ten (10) $1,000 scholarships as a result of donations made by both organizations and business partners.  The scholarships provide an award for ten high school seniors who meet the following criteria:  1) are pursuing a career in education as a teacher or other certificated employee, 2) attend high school in the San Diego/Imperial Counties area, 3) show proven academic success with at least a 3.3 cumulative grade point average, 4) are involved in community service, and 5) who may not necessarily qualify for other financial aid.  The deadline to apply is March 29, 2023, by 4:30 p.m.
    Download the Application from this Google Link: 


  • ESTATE PLANNING – DISCOUNT FOR AASD MEMBERS!  AASD has a partnership with Greg Runge, Estate Planning Attorney.  Greg has over 12 years of experience practicing in the areas of wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, and advance health care directives.  He has been providing this service to our members for many years.  In addition to his legal work, Greg is also a Lieutenant with a local police department, where he is in his 22nd year of service as a sworn officer. As a public employee, Greg is very aware of the unique estate planning issues that can come into play with our members. Greg has focused his legal practice on providing essential estate planning services to public employees and their families at an affordable rate.  This benefit is available to all AASD Members in Good Standing, AASD Affiliate Members and AASD Retired Members. 
    Greg is offering this service to our members for a flat fee of $950, which is 50% off the going rate for estate planning (more complex or very large estates may require a higher fee that would be individually negotiated with the member).

    To contact Greg Runge, please e-mail
    gregrunge@gmail.com or call (858) 395-4011 and be sure to mention you are an AASD member, so you receive the discounted rate.

    Office hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday.  We ask that you call the office before visiting to ensure that a staff member is in the office and not offsite at an appointment, running work-related errands, or at lunch.  To check in before visiting, the office phone number is 619-295-2118.

    The AASD Weekly Update will continue as usual on Thursdays with important news and information for AASD members. 
  • MEMBERSHIP IN THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS (ACSA).  ACSA is a statewide organization for school leaders, serving more than 17,000 California educators and administrators in 19 regions throughout California, each made up of local charters.  ACSA’s Mission:  The Association of California School Administrators is the driving force for an equitable, world-class education system, and the development and support of inspired educational leaders who meet the diverse needs of all California students.  Visit ACSA's website at acsa.org for more information about this organization.

    Deborah Burke is our Region 18 ACSA Membership Services Representative. She is local and your completed membership applications can be sent directly to her. By completing your application and signing it, then scanning and attaching it to an email to Deborah, you will expedite the processing of your application. If you have any questions about ACSA, cost, benefits, opportunities, etc., please reach out to Deborah at
    dburke@acsa.org or at (619) 504-3512.

    The following types of ACSA membership are available, as applicable, to people in San Diego Unified/AASD.  All memberships can be paid by payroll deduction, personal check, or Mastercard/VISA.  The following are descriptions of each type of application.

    Click here for application.
    $1/day ($30.42/month) for remainder of the current school year. Dues are prorated after July 1. Member may choose to be a Regular Member with full benefits or be a Consolidated Member, without legal support, but can contact advocates for limited consultation. Standard dues begin July 1 of their second year of membership.
    ASSOCIATE Membership: (associate on cover – with Business Reply Mail cover)
    $250/year and prorated for new members joining after July 1.  Can be paid by check (full amount), Payroll deduction (3 equal installments of $83.33; not offered after September), or VISA/Mastercard (full payment).  
    Click here for application.
    RETIRED Membership: (2 types)  
    Click here for application.
    Emeritus Lifetime - $700 (a one-time fee). May be paid in (3 equal installments of $233.34 (not offered after September), via Master Card/VISA (full payment), or via a personal (full payment) check.
    Full Regular - $125/year paid via a monthly deduction from member’s STRS pension via a payroll deduction, or Master Card/VISA (full payment), or a personal check (full payment).

    If you wish to use ACSA's online application process to join, click here for the 
    “Steps for Joining ACSA.” 

  • DISCOUNT MOVIE TICKETS.  AASD has both AMC and Regal Entertainment Group (Regal/Edwards/UA) movie passes available to members in good standing, affiliate and retired members.  Regal tickets are $9.00 each. These passes have no expiration date and are unrestricted, so they can be used any time and for newly-released movies.  

    The AMC tickets are $10.25 each, have no expiration date, and do not have any restrictions.  Contact AASD to purchase tickets or if you have any questions.

    Placing and fulfilling an order can be done via phone, email and U.S. mail.  Please contact Linda Crout-Hamel
    linda@unitedadmin.us at the AASD Office if you are interested.

  • IMPORTANT - PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS.  AASD communicates with members via  personal e-mail address.  We do not communicate via "sandi.net."  If you know of a colleague that is not receiving the Update, or if your personal email address changes, please remember to notify AASD by e-mailing Linda Crout-Hamel at linda@unitedadmin.us. 
    AFSA membership is provided to all AASD Members in Good Standing at no additional cost. For more information regarding AFSA and Union Plus benefits, please visit their website:  https://www.theschoolleader.org/

    IMPORTANTFor Members in Good Standing and Affiliate Members who have added AFSA  --  If you have not turned in the “Combined AFSA Benefits Information Form,” please submit the form immediately.  This form must be submitted in order to be eligible for the professional liability, legal services, etc.  You do not need to list your full social security number on the form; however, AFSA has requested that you provide at least the last four digits.  For a copy of the form, click here

    For all our Members in Good Standing, and Affiliates and Retirees who have selected to be members of AFSA, there are many money-saving programs offered to you.  Click here to review your many options!
  • IMPORTANT – ELECTRONIC LINK AVAILABLE!  FILL OUT YOUR AASD MEMBERSHIP RECOMMITMENT FORM NOW!  This information pertains to current AASD members who were AASD members prior to June 28, 2018.  It does NOT apply to Affiliate members or Retired members.  Many have asked how to “re-join” AASD in light of the Supreme Court Decision, Janus v. AFSCME.  If you were an AASD member on June 27, 2018, per the Decision, you automatically stayed as an AASD "Member in Good Standing" and will remain so.  However, we are asking all AASD members to re-commit to AASD by completing the Google form (link below). This re-confirms your AASD membership and ensures that you have access to the benefits of being an AASD member – legal representation, AASD representation, discounted services, scholarships for your children, professional development reimbursements, etc. 

    Some of you have already filled out the new membership form over the past year – if so, it is not necessary to complete it again.  If you have any questions regarding the re-commitment form, please contact the AASD office at 619-295-2118 or e-mail one of the AASD staff members for assistance.  Thank you in advance for your commitment to our Union – AASD.  


    To review the benefits of being an AASD member, please Click here. 

  • AASD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS ARE POSTED ON THE AASD WEBSITE.  The collective bargaining agreements (contracts) for the AASD classified unit and the AASD certificated unit are posted on the AASD website.  The District no longer provides a hard copy to AASD members.  You are welcome to view the contracts on our website and feel free to print a copy, if you wish. To view the contracts, visit the AASD website at www.aasdcs.org and click on Governance/Contracts or Collective Bargaining/Contracts.
  • AASD WEBSITE.  Click here www.aasdcs.org  to view our website.  The website is kept up-to-date and current for all of our members (members in good standing, retirees and affiliate members).  Visit the website to view the AASD calendar and for forms and information on our Union, as well as discounts for members.
  • AASD PROFESSIONAL GROWTH GRANT.  The Administrators Association San Diego City Schools (AASD), in conjunction with the San Diego Unified School District, provides financial grants to members to assist them in their professional growth. Unit members who participate in professional development activities related to job-connected skills or potential careers with the District may qualify to have the cost of registration fees defrayed by available funds up to $100. This includes ACSA-sponsored Academies, Conferences and Institutes. Click here  for more details. 
  • "BENEFIT HUB"  Benefit Hub is an online discount program.  All AASD members have access to thousands of discounts which allows you to save on everything from movies and theme parks to restaurants and sporting events

    This free service provides discounts to car rental companies, theme parks, hotels, and entertainment destinations (i.e., San Diego Zoo, San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Universal Studios, Sea World, etc.). Register online to take advantage of these terrific discounts.  Special offers and discounts are always changing, so check back frequently You can purchase and print tickets from the convenience of your home. 

    The Benefits Portal - In addition to discounts and specials, BenefitHub also offers CASH BACK on some products and services!  Get to know the benefit portal by visiting the BenefitHub website.  The site is very user friendly.  It is easy to do a search under various headings and categories, including Newest, Most Popular, Local Deals, Health and Wellness and Pay Over Time,  just to name a few.  

    Benefit Hub Service - Gift Card Outlet - Save up to 15% on gift cards from over 70 popular merchants.  The NEW Gift Card Outlet is in the Discount Marketplace.

    Enter the following address in the browser bar, with no leading  w's -
    aasd.benefithub.com Do not do a "search" for Benefit Hub as it will take you to the wrong website.  Click on "Guest" at the upper right-hand side of the screen. Fill in the information and create a password.  If you have any questions about registering, or encounter any problems, call the AASD office for assistance.  If you have any questions about or need assistance with the Benefit Hub website, you can contact Support at (866) 664-4621.

  • AASD Contact Information ON REMOTE WORKING DAYS:
    Executive Director, Donis Coronel -- donis@unitedadmin.us   619-813-8792
    Office Manager, Linda Crout-Hamel -- linda@unitedadmin.us   619-861-2701


Copyright © 2023 Administrators Association of San Diego City Schools, All rights reserved.