AASD Weekly Update 2/27/2025

  • ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL REPRESENTATIVES NEEDED.  For a number of years, there has been a group of principals that provide the district leadership with feedback regarding the Institutes.  Now that there are Institutes for Association Principals, AASD would like to add Associate Principals to the group providing feedback and input.  We are looking for an elementary AP, mid-level or K8 AP and a Sr. High AP for this group.  The group meets prior to each Institute and also provides feedback after the Institutes.  Are you interested?  Please consider representing AP’s!  If you are interested, please e-mail Donis Coronel, donis@unitedadmin.us by March 5
    FYI, the Principals on this professional development feedback and input groups are:
    Michele Cain (Grant K-8)
    David Jaffe (Point Loma HS)
    Cynthia Larkin (Morse HS)
    Dusty Pedrotti (Dingeman Elem)
    Victoria Peterson (Clairemont Canyons Elem)
    Heather Potter (Knox Middle)
    Sally Viavada (Tierrasanta Elem)
    AASD Member in Good Standing, Shannon Raymond Bossard, Human Resources Supervisor, suffered a major life-altering illness in the past couple of weeks.  This medical diagnosis will require significant rehab as well as changes to ensure her home is accessible.  Shannon is currently a Supervisor in Human Resources where she is beloved, and she previously worked at Mira Mesa High School where her colleagues care deeply for her.  Her friends from Mira Mesa High School are holding a fundraiser to help the Bossard family through this unexpected and difficult time.  Click the link below for additional information about how to support a colleague in need.  Thank you in advance for your compassion and generosity in helping one of our own. 
  • UASC/AASD IS IN NEED OF A CPA.  Our long-time CPA, Marilyn Turner, is retiring.  We want to thank Marilyn for her years of providing CPA/tax services to AASD and now to UASC.  We are now in need of a CPA who would like to take on an account for a non-profit 501(c)5 entity to file our taxes and do an occasional audit.  If you have any leads on someone who might be interested, please send the information to Donis Coronel at donis@unitedadmin.us
  • ARE YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER ATTENDING COLLEGE?  OR PLAN TO IN THE NEXT YEAR?  Union Plus is having a sweepstakes and giving away “Student Success Kits” with a laptop, etc. and generous gift cards.  Deadline is March 10, 2025.  All AASD Members in Good Standing, Affiliate Members and Retired Members with AFSA are eligible.  AASD is Local 134 of AFSA. 

    Feeling lucky?  Enter for a chance to win a laptop!
    • Grand Prize: “Student Success Kit” with a laptop, earbuds, and a $250 gift card, courtesy of our Education Marketplace partner, Edvance.
    • 1st Prize: $500 gift card
    • 2nd Prize: $250 gift card
    • Entry deadline is March 10, 2025.    Enter now
  • IMPORTANT FOR ANYONE WHO HAS BEEN NOTIFIED THAT THEIR JOB IS ELIMINATED OR IS RETIRING DUE TO JOB ELIMINATION -- AASD IS OFFERING VALUABLE ASSISTANCE.  Important for Any AASD Member in Good Standing Who is Affected Either by Position Elimination, Reorganization, or Reassignment from an AASD Position.  AASD knows this is a difficult time for our affected members.  To assist with your career decisions going forward, AASD has contracted with and is funding a release time day (do not need to charge to any leave – this release day is being approved by the District) to participate in a full day training at the AASD office for “Career Coaching” provided by a certified coach – Mike Gellman, High Five Career Coaching.  Mike will work with attendees on resume writing, interview skills, LinkedIn profiles, and much more.  AASD will provide breakfast and lunch for all attendees.  Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity provided by your Union.  RSVP is required by March 5 – click below to RSVP.  The training will be on March 20, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and you must attend the full day.  Arrive by 7:30 a.m. for breakfast provided by AASD.

    Additionally, the following MOU was reached regarding certificated reduction in force. 
    MOU - Certificated Reduction in Force 2025-Feb-2

  • MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW!  MANDATORY ATTENDANCE FOR ALL AASD MEMBERS.  The AASD/SDUSD Spring Conference will be held on March 26, 2025, from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Marina Village.  This is a mandatory attendance activity and your AASD Professional Development Committee is working on an event that will be informative and fun.  Our conference theme this year is “It Takes Courage to Believe” and we have lined up some amazing presenters and sessions.  MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW!  Again, this is MANDATORY for all AASD represented members, both classified and certificated.  Additionally, all non-represented managers and confidential employees are invited.  
    Please click this
    link for the conference website which details information about the conference and the presenters.  Also, the following link to the conference flyer includes a QR code which takes you to the conference website.   2025 AASD/SDUSD Spring Conference Flyer   

  • AASD IS WORKING FOR YOUR BENEFIT ON SOME IMPORTANT MATTERS!  Here are a few of the things AASD is working on with the District.  Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.  AASD wants members to know we are working on these important issues.
    • Impacts and Effects of position eliminations.  Once AASD receives a list (February/March) of positions to be eliminated, then AASD will negotiate impacts and effects of the Reduction in Force.  On February 24, AASD received a PARTIAL verbal list of those impacted and also signed off on an MOU on impacts and effects.  MOU - Certificated Reduction in Force 2025-Feb-2
    • Remote work policy.  On January 22, the District shared that they are working on a Remote Work Policy and plan to share it with AASD in late Spring.
    • Bargaining Furlough Days for 2025-26.  The District “sunshined” their proposal to implement furlough days for 2025-26.  AASD will be bargaining impacts and effects.  As of today, there is no date for bargaining scheduled.  Last week, AASD inquired about furlough days and district leadership responded that they are still crunching the numbers regarding the budget deficit and waiting for the second interim report to come out from the State.
    • CSEA Juneteenth Lawsuit.  AASD is working with Labor Relations on how this will be implemented for AASD classified managers and supervisors. 
    • Non-Represented Positions.  AASD is currently bargaining with the District on non-represented positions that AASD believes should be in the AASD bargaining unit. Bargaining has been scheduled for March 3.
    • Full Contract Bargaining.  The AASD collective bargaining agreements expire on June 30, 2025.  AASD will be submitting our initial proposal for bargaining in the next 60 days.
    Read below for an example of how AASD serves  our members.

    By producing this AASD Weekly Update, AASD is keeping our members informed about matters that affect our members.

    This is another example of what AASD does to support our members.  If you need assistance from AASD, please contact the office at 619-295-2118 or e-mail the Executive Director, Donis Coronel, at

  • WEEKLY MARKET REPORT FROM OCTAVIA WEALTH ADVISORS.  Octavia Wealth Advisors, one of AASD’s premier vendor partners and sponsors, is dedicated to supporting our members in achieving their financial goals. We value our strong relationship with Jordan Colman and Dana Peacock, who provide expert guidance to our members.  For assistance with financial planning and wealth management, please contact April Esparza at 619-812-5280 or aesparza@octaviawa.com to schedule an appointment with their team. 
    Weekly Market Report
  • LAPA COMMITTEE REPORT.  Our Legislative Status Report lists all the bills we are reviewing. We welcome our members’ insights. If you become aware of legislation or have information to share with our committee, please contact Government Relations Officer Jesus Montana at jesus@unitedadmin.us.
    AASD has been asked to publish the job postings in our Weekly Update.  AASD also suggests that all applicants (classified and certificated) mark their calendars to check weekly for new job postings each Monday.  This way, you will not miss out on a posting you might be interested in (as all jobs in the AASD unit must be posted for 10 days). 

    AASD-Represented CERTIFICATED Job Postings 
    None at this time.


    AASD-Represented CLASSIFIED Job Postings
    None at this time.

    When members wish to show their gratitude for other district staff, please contact Donis Coronel at  donis@unitedadmin.us and AASD will publish that message of gratitude in the next Weekly Update. 
    AASD acknowledges deaths of our members, retirees, or their immediate family members via the Weekly Update.  If you have information on a death to be reported in the AASD Weekly Update, please contact any of the staff at the AASD office with the information.  We appreciate your help with this – we don’t always know right away when a death has occurred or the information on services.

  • ARE YOU RETIRING VIA THE SERP OR RETIRING PRIOR TO JUNE 30?  If you have retired or are retiring, please hold the date of May 7, 4-7pm, for a special AASD recognition event for our new retirees.  This will be a special event for new retirees and their guests.  Due to the number of retirees, we will be recognizing the group at this special May 7 Retirement Celebration rather than at the June 6 Summerfest.  An invitation was sent last week via e-mail from Patti Burch (UASC Membership Coordinator) to each new retiree.  If you did not receive an e-mail invitation, please let us know by e-mailing patti@unitedadmin.us.  We hope you will join us and let us honor you and your service to SDUSD.
  • AASD IS AWARDING $1,000 SCHOLARSHIPS TO CHILDREN OF OUR AASD MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING.  The AASD Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce that children and stepchildren of AASD Members in Good Standing, AASD Retired Members, and AASD Affiliate Members, who are graduating seniors this year, are eligible for an AASD scholarship to be used towards higher education.  The AASD Scholarship Program is funded by dues from AASD Retired Members, contributions from payroll deductions to the AASD Scholarship Fund, and direct donations, as well as interest earned on our AASD investment account.  All students who apply and are qualified will receive a $1,000 scholarship.  The application submission deadline is March 18, 2025.  Please click this link for information on how to apply and for the application.
    NOTE:  Please mail the application and required essay to the AASD office via U.S. mail (3505 Camino del Rio So. Ste 264, SD 92108) or scan and e-mail it to
    patti@unitedadmin.us by the deadline.

  • AASD DISTINGUISHED LEADER AWARDS.  Each year, AASD honors members as AASD Distinguished Leaders.  Please consider nominating a colleague for this award.  We have wonderful co-workers throughout our AASD bargaining unit and in our retiree ranks who are worthy of this recognition.  The AASD Member Relations Committee is hoping that you will take the time to nominate someone who goes "Above and Beyond!"  Any member can nominate a colleague from any category (example:  a Principal could nominate a BSS III/POS or a Food Services Area Supervisor could nominate an Associate Principal, etc.).  The winners will be recognized at our annual Summerfest Celebration on June 6, 2025.
    Click the link for a list of those honored as
    AASD Distinguished Leaders over the past five years.  These wonderful folks are ineligible to be selected again, unless they have moved to a different job/category.   
    The following link will lead you to the nomination form. Nominations are due by April 30, 2025.  Click the following link for the Google form and criteria.
  • ELEMENTARY PRINCIPALS/ASSOCIATE PRINCIPALS – COULD YOUR TK/KINDERS BENEFIT FROM AASD'S HOMEWORK KITS?  Since 2014, AASD has been funding “homework kits” for incoming Kindergarten and TK students at a deserving elementary school (or schools).  The Homework Kits are filled with school supplies that students can use at home when completing their homework.  The kits are funded by AASD through fundraising efforts throughout the year.

    If you would like your elementary site to be considered for the Homework Kits for the opening of the 2025-26 school year, please complete and submit the application no later than April 30, 2025.  The AASD Member Relations Committee will review the applications and select the school(s) to receive the Homework Kits.  The lucky school(s) will be announced at the beginning of June. 
    The following schools were awarded homework kits within the past five years.  To allow for others to receive this donation, these schools are not eligible to apply this year (5-year rule):
    Balboa Elementary
    Cabrillo Elementary
    Encanto Elementary
    Franklin Elementary
    Freese Elementary
    Horton Elementary
    Juarez Elementary
    Linda Vista Elementary
    Normal Heights Elementary
    Perry Elementary
    Vista Grande Elementary
    Webster Elementary

    The following link will lead you to the form for consideration. Forms are due by April 30, 2025. Click the following link for the Google form.   

  • AFSA SCHOLARSHIPS FOR CHILDREN OF AASD MEMBERS ATTENDING COLLEGE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 2025.  The AFSA Diann Woodard Scholarship is available exclusively to children of AFSA members in good standing (of which all AASD members are).  The AFSA General Executive Board will select five (5) recipients each year based on academic excellence, passion for volunteerism, and display of exceptional work ethic.  An applicant must be a graduating high school senior who will be attending college for the first time in 2025.  The application deadline is March 28, 2025.  To apply:  www.AFSAScholarshipApplication.org.
  • NICUF SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY.  The North Island Credit Union Foundation (NICUF) Annual Scholarship opportunity is now available! The Foundation will award 10 students with a scholarship of $1,000 each. High school seniors and community college students transferring to a four-year university who maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 are eligible to participate. Selection criteria include academic performance, school or community involvement, a letter of recommendation, and an essay submission.  Applications are available through Friday, March 7, 2025, and winners will be announced on our website Monday, March 31, 2025. Interested students can find more information and apply at northisland.ccu.com/studentscholarship.
  • YOU CAN SUPPORT THE AASD SCHOLARSHIP FUND!  A NEW WAY TO DONATE AND SUPPORT GRADUATING SENIORS.  FOR THE COST OF A STARBUCKS COFFEE OR A VISIT TO FAST FOOD, YOU CAN SUPPORT OUR SCHOLARSHIP FUND!  For years, AASD has supported our members by providing $1000 scholarships to the children of our members who are graduating from high school and going on to higher education.  Each year, AASD awards between $15,000 and $18,000 in scholarships.  In lieu of holding an annual event to fund the scholarships, the AASD Scholarship Committee, co-chaired by Veronica Ortega and Mary Johnson, has created an opportunity for our Members in Good Standing and Affiliate Members to make a nominal donation via payroll deduction to the AASD Scholarship Fund.  With the support of our members, this option will allow our scholarship program to remain solvent and remain funded. 
    The AASD Board of Directors is encouraging all Members in Good Standing and Affiliate Members to consider donating via payroll deduction in support of our program.  By clicking the provided link or scanning the QR code below, members can make a donation 10 times a year (August through May) of either $3, $5, $10 or $20 per month via payroll deduction.  Those that sign up by September 1 will receive a Starbucks card as a token of our appreciation!     

    Link - AASD Scholarship Payroll Deduction   
    QR Code - Scholarship Payroll Deduction

    Of course, any member (active or retired) can make a direct donation by sending a check to the AASD office, or calling the office with a debit or credit card information.  Checks should be payable to "UASC Foundation," and in the memo, write “AASD Scholarship Fund.”  Additionally, those wanting to make a MONTHLY donation outside of the payroll system can set up “Bill Pay” through their bank. 
    AASD would also like to acknowledge that all dues paid by AASD Retired Members (annually or one-time lifetime) go directly to the AASD Scholarship Fund.
    Thank you in advance for your support!  In order to continue the program without holding fundraising events we need your generosity!

  • WANT TO BECOME MORE INVOLVED AT AASD?  JOIN A COMMITTEE!  AASD has committees and we want YOU!  Please consider joining a committee.  Become involved!  Support YOUR union!  Committees are listed below.  If you are interested in joining a committee, please email Donis Coronel at donis@unitedadmin.us. 
    Finance Committee:  Meets up to 4 times a year to develop a draft budget and monitor the finances of AASD.  Chair is Gina Camacho-McGrath.

    Legislative and Political Affairs (LAPA) Committee:  Meets monthly to review and make recommendations regarding legislation that affects education and our schools/employees.   The committee also interviews school board candidates and makes recommendations for endorsement to the AASD Board of Directors.  The committee typically meets the second Monday of the month at 4:00 PM in person at the UASC/AASD office with an option to join the meeting via Zoom.  The Chair is Cristine Holmer and our UASC Government Relations Officer is Jesus Montana.

    Member Relations Committee:  Plans and supports the two large social events for members (Summerfest and the Winter Holiday Party), as well as provides support for any membership meetings.  Responsible for the selection of AASD Distinguished Leaders annually.  Coordinates the Homework Kits for UTK and Kinders at select schools.  Responsible for other activities that support the membership.  Typically meets monthly, the first Tuesday of the month from 3:30-5:00 PM in person with an option to join the meeting via Zoom.  Co-Chairs are Troy Hickey and Susan Kent.

    Professional Development Committee:  Plans and coordinates the annual AASD/SDUSD Spring Conference each March.  Also responsible for approving reimbursements from the Professional Growth Fund.  Typically meets the first Wednesday of the month, as needed, 3:00-4:30 PM with an option to join the meeting via Zoom.  Co-Chairs are Jim Hallauer and Silvia Martinez.

    Scholarship Committee:  Coordinates the Scholarship Program including presentation of scholarships at school events.  Meets monthly, as needed, typically the fourth Monday of the Month from 3:30-5:00 PM in person with an option to join the meeting via Zoom.  Co-Chairs are Mary Johnson and Veronica Ortega.

  • SAVE THE DATE!  Mark your calendar NOW for this AASD-sponsored event!  More information will be forthcoming!  This event is for all AASD Members in Good Standing, Affiliate Members and Retired Members.

          June 6, 2025, 5:00-9:30pm, AASD Summerfest Celebration (Marina Village, Baja Room)
  • AASD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS.  Click the links below for a copy of the AASD Collective Bargaining Agreements for our Classified and Certificated Units.  The CBAs are also posted on the AASD website www.aasdcs.org Feel free to print a copy yourself and/or save the electronic copies.  
    Collective Bargaining Agreement, Classified  
    Collective Bargaining Agreement, Certificated 

  • ESTATE PLANNING – DISCOUNT FOR AASD MEMBERS!  After some time away from this legal work to attend training for his full-time job as a police officer, Greg Runge, Estate Planning Attorney, has renewed his partnership with AASD.  Greg has over 15 years of experience practicing in the areas of wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, and advance health care directives.  He has been providing this service to our members for many years.  In addition to his legal work, Greg is a Lieutenant with a local police department, where he is in his 25th year of service as a sworn officer.  As a public employee, Greg is very aware of the unique estate planning issues that can come into play with our members. Greg has focused his legal practice on providing essential estate planning services to public employees and their families at an affordable rate.  This benefit is available to all AASD Members in Good Standing, AASD Affiliate Members and AASD Retired Members. 
    Greg is offering this service to our members for a flat fee of $950, which is 50% off the going rate for estate planning (more complex or very large estates may require a higher fee that would be individually negotiated with the member).

    To contact Greg Runge, please e-mail
    gregrunge@gmail.com or call (858) 395-4011 and be sure to mention you are an AASD member, so you receive the discounted rate.

  • IMPORTANT - PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS.  AASD communicates with members via  personal e-mail address.  We do not communicate via "sandi.net."  If you know of a colleague that is not receiving the Update, or if your personal email address changes, please remember to notify AASD by e-mailing Patti Burch at patti@unitedadmin.us. 
  • AASD PROFESSIONAL GROWTH GRANT.  The Administrators Association San Diego City Schools (AASD), in conjunction with the San Diego Unified School District, provides financial grants to members to assist them in their professional growth. Unit members who participate in professional development activities related to job-connected skills or potential careers with the District may qualify to have the cost of registration fees defrayed by available funds up to $100. This includes ACSA-sponsored Academies, Conferences and Institutes. Click here for more details. 
  • MEMBERSHIP IN THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS (ACSA).  ACSA is a statewide organization for school leaders, serving more than 17,000 California educators and administrators in 19 regions throughout California, each made up of local charters.  ACSA’s Mission:  The Association of California School Administrators is the driving force for an equitable, world-class education system, and the development and support of inspired educational leaders who meet the diverse needs of all California students.  Visit ACSA's website at acsa.org for more information about this organization.

    Deborah Burke is our Region 18 ACSA Membership Services Representative. She is local and your completed membership applications can be sent directly to her. By completing your application and signing it, then scanning and attaching it to an email to Deborah, you will expedite the processing of your application. If you have any questions about ACSA, cost, benefits, opportunities, etc., please reach out to Deborah at
    dburke@acsa.org or at (619) 504-3512.

    All applications are new this year and will ask for your signature. It is an e-DocuSign document  embedded in the small red arrow next to signature…and you click on that arrow.  On the line that says, “Referred By,” please make sure to add Deborah Burke’s name if it is not already listed there.  After the application is COMPLETED and SIGNED, you can PRINT the page and SCAN it.  Please send the scanned copy directly to Deborah Burke at 
    dburke@acsa.org for processing.  If you have any problems with DocuSign, sign your name as you regularly would on the printed copy, before scanning and sending the application to Deborah.

    The following types of ACSA membership are available, as applicable, to people in San Diego Unified/AASD.  All memberships can be paid by payroll deduction, personal check, or Mastercard/VISA. 

    2024-2025 CERTIFICATED/Regular Membership  
    Click here for application
    2024-2025 CLASSIFIED/CEL Membership  Click here for application
    2024-2025 ASSOCIATE Membership  Click here for application
    2024-2025 STUDENT Special Membership  Click here for application
    2024-2025 RETIRED Membership: (2 types)  Click here for application
    Emeritus Lifetime - $700 (a one-time fee). May be paid in (3 equal installments of $233.34 (not offered after September 2024), via Master Card/VISA (full payment), or via a personal (full payment) check.
    Full Regular Retired - $125/year paid via a monthly deduction of $10.45 from member’s STRS pension via a payroll deduction, or Master Card/VISA (full payment), or a personal check (full payment).

  • DISCOUNT MOVIE TICKETS.  AASD has both AMC and Regal Entertainment Group (Regal/Edwards/UA) movie passes available to members in good standing, affiliate and retired members.  Regal tickets are $9.00 each. These passes have no expiration date and are unrestricted, so they can be used any time and for newly-released movies.  

    The AMC tickets are $10.50 each, have no expiration date, and do not have any restrictions.  Contact AASD to purchase tickets or if you have any questions.

    Placing and fulfilling an order can be done via phone, email, and U.S. mail.  Please contact Linda Crout-Hamel
    linda@unitedadmin.us at the AASD/UASC Office if you are interested.

  • AASD CONFERENCE ROOM.  Need a place to hold a meeting?  AASD has a conference room that can seat up to 25-30 people.  We also have access to a second conference room in the hallway near our office that can seat up to 12 people.  If you are interested in using either room, contact the AASD office to check availability.  The room is available 8am to 5pm (unless booked).  Usage prior to 8am or after 5pm would need to be worked out with the staff.  To book our conference room, contact the office at 619-295-2118 or e-mail Donis Coronel (donis@unitedadmin.us) or Linda Crout-Hamel (linda@unitedadmin.us).
    AFSA membership is provided to all AASD Members in Good Standing at no additional cost. For more information regarding AFSA and Union Plus benefits, please visit their website:  https://www.theschoolleader.org/

    IMPORTANTFor Members in Good Standing and Affiliate Members who have added AFSA  --If you have not turned in the “Combined AFSA Benefits Information Form,” please submit the form immediately.  This form must be submitted in order to be eligible for the professional liability, legal services, etc.  You do not need to list your full social security number on the form; however, AFSA has requested that you provide at least the last four digits.  For a copy of the form, visit the AFSA website.  In order to access member content, you must register for an account.  
    Registration | AFSA Benefits

    For all our Members in Good Standing, and Affiliates and Retirees who have selected to be members of AFSA, there are many money-saving programs offered to you.  Click here to review your many options!
  • IMPORTANT – ELECTRONIC LINK AVAILABLE!  FILL OUT YOUR AASD MEMBERSHIP RECOMMITMENT FORM NOW!  This information pertains to current AASD members who were AASD members prior to June 28, 2018.  It does NOT apply to Affiliate members or Retired members.  Many have asked how to “re-join” AASD in light of the Supreme Court Decision, Janus v. AFSCME.  If you were an AASD member on June 27, 2018, per the Decision, you automatically stayed as an AASD "Member in Good Standing" and will remain so.  However, we are asking all AASD members to re-commit to AASD by completing the Google form (link below). This re-confirms your AASD membership and ensures that you have access to the benefits of being an AASD member – legal representation, AASD representation, discounted services, scholarships for your children, professional development reimbursements, etc. 

    Some of you have already filled out the new membership form over the past year – if so, it is not necessary to complete it again.  If you have any questions regarding the re-commitment form, please contact the AASD office at 619-295-2118 or e-mail one of the AASD staff members for assistance.  Thank you in advance for your commitment to our Union – AASD.  


    To review the benefits of being an AASD member, please Click here. 

  • AASD WEBSITE.  Click here www.aasdcs.org  to view our website.  The website is kept up-to-date and current for all of our members (members in good standing, retirees and affiliate members).  Visit the website to view the AASD calendar and for forms and information on our Union, as well as discounts for members.
    Office hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday.  We ask that you call the office before visiting to ensure that a staff member is in the office and not offsite at an appointment, running work-related errands, or at lunch.  To check in before visiting, the office phone number is 619-295-2118.
    Executive Director, Donis Coronel -- donis@unitedadmin.us   619-813-8792
    Office Manager, Linda Crout-Hamel -- linda@unitedadmin.us   619-861-2701
    Office Clerk/Membership Coordinator, Patti Burch -- patti@unitedadmin.us  


Copyright © 2025 Administrators Association of San Diego City Schools, All rights reserved.