The Legislative and Political Affairs Committee (LAPA) may review/research and elect to endorse federal, state or local public candidates, bond measures or propositions.

  1. The LAPA will make recommendations for endorsements and/or political activity to the AASD Board of Directors for approval.
  2. The LAPA may elect to hold candidate forums, or AASD member feedback sessions as approved by the AASD Board of Directors.
  3. The LAPA will not make any monetary endorsements.
  4. The LAPA will consist of a co-chair from Classified and a co-chair from Certificated. There will also be one Classified Executive Board representative and one Certificated Executive Board representative appointed by the Executive Board.  In addition, there will be other committee members who are either members in good standing, members in good standing (PMA), retired members or affiliate members.


Jesus Montana (Interim) School Police Sargeant/Executive Board
Cristine Holmer (Aug 1st) Food Services Business Operations Supervisor/Board of Directors


Jeff Friedenberg Principal, Fletcher Elementary
Cristine Holmer Food Services Business Operations Supervisor/Board of Directors
Erin Leszynski Associate Principal, Mission Bay HS
Geniese Ligon Associate Principal, Hage Elementary
Jennifer Marrone Business Manager, Food Services
Lillie McMillan Retired
Jeff Thomas Operations Specialist, CCTE
Sakeenah Smith Principal, Crown Point Elementary

AASD Office Staff

Executive Director Donis Coronel
Office Clerk Patti Burch
Office Manager Linda Crout-Hamel

Committee meetings will be held on an as-needed basis at the AASD offices.