The Executive Board is comprised of 12 members to include the President, Past President (if applicable), Vice President – Certificated, Vice President – Classified, Secretary/Treasurer; three members elected from the Board of Directors in both the categories of Certificated and Classified; and one Health and Welfare Benefits Committee Representative.  (Refer to AASD Bylaws, Article VI.) The Executive Board is the planning body of AASD. The functions of the Executive Board include: AASD business matters; making recommendations to the Board of Directors, as needed, regarding personnel matters and matters affecting AASD; presenting motions to the Board of Directors for its approval; and acting for and in the place of the Board of Directors when directed to do so.


Jolie Pickett
(619) 362-4500

Irene Hightower
Vice President, Certificated

Jeffrey Thomas
Vice President, Classified
(619) 725-7335

Gina Camacho-McGrath


John Aguilar
Health & Welfare Benefits Representative

Dean Darley
Central Office Certificated
(858) 503-1752

Paula Hamar
Classified Supervisors
(619) 254-4025

Troy Hickey
Classified Representative
Member Relations,
Classified Co-Chair

Kristi Hunter-Clark
Elementary Principals Representative

Veronica Ortega
Scholarship Committee, Co-Chair Classified